10/11/2002 32nd. Sunday Ordinary Season - Year A

First Reading


Second Reading


Wisdom 6, 12-16


1 Thessalonians4, 13-18

Matthew 25, 1-13

"My soul thirst for you", "I will bless you as long as I live"! Is the answer we give for the proclamation of the First Reading. It speaks of Wisdom as if it was a person.

We can easily understand that this Wisdom is that of God, and we can easily identify it with His Spirit or with His Word, the eternal Word that come to us for we are precious in His sight!

"Who years for it, it shows itself"! It’s a word that tells us where to address our thoughts and our desires. The egoist, materialistic desires aimed towards our physical being are not to have an important place in our hearts, eitherwise we find ourselves at the mercy of what please our senses or ambitions hence to the short lived appreciations or critics of others. Keeping in touch with Wisdom, reflecting on it, desiring it, searching it, we are to grow a new power within, a freedom from all, a serenity to be envied. The one who truly search for Wisdom is to find oneself immersed in the heart of God, from which one originates!

The thought and the desire of Wisdom prepare us to listen to the parable of Jesus. In it He puts in comparison two groups. Two groups of "Virgins", equal in number, but different in the way they do things. The first are said to be foolish. Their foolishness consists in not forseeing what might happen, and hence not to care to prepare themselves The Coming, that is to be expected, and the arrival of the spouse to celebrate his wedding. They know that he is to come, but doesn’t do anything to be ready for his arrival! This is a clear sign that they lack in love for him, don’t live in view of his coming and his wedding, but remain in their superficiality, kept back by their relaxed attitude.

The others are "wise". They, before being taken by sleep, as is natural at night, contrary to the first ones, forsee all, prepare their lamps and prepare the oil to use while waiting, in case it takes long. Neither one would know the hour of the arrival of the spouse. When they hear the cry that announce the arrival of the spouse, exactly at midnight, they are ready. They are ready to accompany with their lamps the way for him who has prepared the wedding! The foolish ones instead are obliged to go and look for more oil, at a time which is not easil to find! And nobody can spare them in their effort!

Its easy to understand what Jesus is trying to say. Many times, even through other parables, He insisted with His disciples and with all the need to be ready! What is this readiness? It is clear that He is talking about accepting Him, the Saviour, the one sent by God, the one in whom the Father is pleased! The one who accepts Him and obeys His Word, and bears His Spirit, shall be ready for Him at any time! Don’t wait! Make sure you become "His", His disciple, His friend! Don’t wait to change! Don’t wait! He might use you soon, might ask you to help Him. If your love for Him is not alive, you risk the chance and remain in your darkness, in your solitude, that make grow in you the feeling of being useless and desperation! No one can answer for you. You can ask other to pray for you, but if you don’t decide to belong to Jesus, what avail is prayer even done by many?

In the second reading, st. Paul has a word regarding the death of the believers. Recently we celebrated the commemoration of our departed. Since Jesus is risen, the ressurection is our hope. He will bring us all together to be with Him, to be the assembley that praise God for ever! This revelation help us to be seren and at peace when someone dies: he or she didn’t disappeared or ended up in nothing, but live with the Lord, awaiting us in the same glorious eternity!

This certainity becomes the foundation of that wisdom that makes us wise in every moment of our lives!

He who knows where we can arrive, does everything to help us not to loose the way! Jesus is risen for us: I want to love him now, now I want to listen to Him! Halleluia!