08.12.2007 - The Immaculate Conception of Mary
First Reading: Gen 3,9-15.20 Psalm 98 Second Reading: Eph 1,3-6.11-12
Gospel Reading: Luke 1,26-38

Today we contemplate Mary listening to the voice of God, doing what Eve was unable to do, Eve who represents us all. She represents us because we are all in her same condition, unfortunately. When we hear God's word, we are full of doubt, thinking that our intelligence does not need words from without, thinking that if God gave us intelligence, we should use it without listening to others. Eve did exactly that. She doubted the word of God and thinking that she was wiser and more capable, she agreed with the one who misled her.
How many disappointments we would be spared if we listened to God's word! If today's celebrations could help us understand that God only and always wishes us well, and that we can always trust him, Mary would be happy and would feel truly celebrated.
The serpent who cheats man is condemned, but those who continue to consider him worthy to listen to, bear the consequences of this great mistake. The consequences are inherited by all Adam's children, who suffer heavily from this disobedience in the story of humanity. How many sins and suffering because of this disobedience! All moral, spiritual and physical suffering originates in this disobedience, in this refusal of the Father's teaching. How we wish, therefore, to have a Mother to begin a new world, a Mother who is obedient, who does not forget the Father's word, a Mother who teaches us to listen to God deep in our hearts!
Mary listened to the angel of God, she asked for help and was willing. The Word took hold of her in order to fulfil itself through her. The angel announced something that was impossible to man, the realization of God's prophecy, and she did not refuse, but only asked what she should do, in what way she could be useful. "I am the Lord's servant; may it be as you have said"! Mary's words changed the world, which is transformed from a house of sin into a temple of grace, from a place of egoism to a garden of love.
We venerate Mary today as a sign of God's benevolence to us sinners, as a deposit for our salvation, as a certainty of God's free love. If Mary is not touched by evil, this is a gift from God. A gift for us, for our need of forgiveness and new life.
In venerating Mary, we venerate the mystery of God's love which is always there for us. We venerate her purity because God's love that became manifest in her is complete. Full of grace, because God gave everything to her, all the beauty and faith of his love. In honouring Mary our hearts find the right orientation once again and turn to a true conversion to the Father!

Mary, mother in whom humility shines, our mother who reflects God's faith, remember us in your joy. In you the light finds no shadow, in you we contemplate the beauty of God's love and of his plan which we constantly spoil: lead us to salvation, give us the Saviour!

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