01/11/2008 - All Saints
Ist. Reading Rev 7,2-4.9-14 Ps 23 2nd. Reading 1Jn 3,1-3 Gospel Mt 5,1-12

In the solemnity of all Saints we listen to the words with which Jesus, according to the gospel of Matthew, presents himself to the disciples and the crowds. He goes up on the mountain, and with they go up too. If we were Jews we would understand that this is an event already an exceptional and revealing moment. To go up the mount is what Moses did when he was called to meet God and to speak him. Moses could go up the mount alone, while all the people had to attend on the plan. Jesus instead climbs the mountain carrying them all with him: with him all men can meet God and hear his words. And on the mountain Jesus speaks seated, with the authority of the master: they are his words the message that God wants to give to men!
In front of Jesus stand the sinners, those who have been invited to do penance and to conversion by John the Baptist. Jesus speaks to sinners; nevertheless he does not have words of reproach against them. It seems just that he wants only to love them with his goodness and mercy. He is not telling them to look at their sin; neither is he saying that they are to continue their life as they have always done. It speaks so to help them change their desires, to offer they new goals, to render them aware that this world can be different as from it is.
After they have listened to him, those disciples and those crowds have began to breathe in a new way, to see a meaning new of their life, a usefulness of their suffering, the possibility that their desires of justice and fraternity can be realized, to be sure that that world that they have always dreamed is possible, because it is what the same God wants.
The phrases that Jesus proclaims begin all like those beautiful phrases present in the Sacred Writings:
Happy are those who act with justice
Happy are those who hope in him
Happy are those who wait with patience
Happy the man who meditates on wisdom and reason with intelligence,
Happy the man who listens to me, watching every day at my doors,
Happy the man who fears the Lord and walks in his ways.
Happy the man who trust in you
Happy the man who takes care of the weak.
In such a way he makes it clear that he does not want to begin something new, but to only realize how much God always wanted to do, if he had found someone to listen to collaborate. Now he wants to make us see how beautiful it is to live as God wants! Will there be someone who would listen to him and who would follow him? Will there be between the many someone that choose the newness of the life of God, the life with God and for God? This is a newness of life, because all that leads to sin must disappear. This brings along with it suffering. Here therefore is Jesus who says: Blessed are the poor ones in spirit, those who do not put their hope in richness, that tricks always, and therefore they won't even wish it! Blessed are those who cry, sad because of their sin and that of other peoples, and hence fort they entrust to God their own life and their own suffering: he himself will take care of them and to give them their consolation! Blessed are those who they are meek, having no expectations nor from men neither from God: they know how to enjoy those little things there is on the earth! And Jesus continues to proclaim the beatitude of who does not revenge, because he overcomes evil with the mercy. And the beatitude of who wish and long to be right with God and with men: sure they will be having their prayers answered from God!
Jesus does not reproach the sinners, but draw them to wish all that will not make them to continue to sin, and instead he lifts them up from the poor situation in which they find themselves.
Also now, who listening to Jesus is sinner: we are sinners? Jesus does not reproach to us, but puts in front of us what we must desire. If we continue to desire riches, ambitions, human justice, we would continue to being under the influence of the sin. Instead, wishing the things of the heaven, we exit from the turn that drags us to evil and puts us under the influence of the blessing of God Father, of the obedience of Jesus, and of the holiness of the Spirit!
The saints have listened to Jesus and fulfilled the realization of their desires! And therefore their life is "conformed" to that one of the Son of God! We are able to admire them, of rejoicing of their testimony and their love: today we ask the Father the grace for being able to imitate them, to follow their examples, and to continue the work they had begun.

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