23. 03.2008 - Resurrection Sunday - year A
First Reading; Acts 10,34.37-43 Psalm 118 Second Reading; Col 3,1-4
Gospel Reading; John 20,1-9

How wonderful to celebrate Easter! After watching Jesus being rejected, we see how God raises him up. The world is still divided before him and, if anything, the division is deeper. But we will not fear, we can see God's deed, how he rewards his Son by giving him new life, real new life!
And so we take his side. We remember all he did and all he said, because from today it has new meaning, a new eternal value.
He has risen: no-one understood and no-one believed when they were told. Now all is true. And all his teachings take on greater meaning; those he taught us during these Sundays of Lent.
It is true that he is the life: whoever has Jesus in his heart, is truly alive (he called Lazarus to life)!
It is true that he is the light; whoever loves him and listens, knows where he comes from and sees with clarity his path and the meaning behind every event (he restored sight to the man born blind).
It is true that he is the water which quenches the thirst of man's heart (he gave the true water to the Samaritans).
It is true that he is the Son of God to be listened to and to obey, the Son who helps us know the Father and the Father's love (the Father spoke on the mountain)!
It is true that his is the victory over every power that tries to destroy man: today his victory is fulfilled (Satan is cast away from his path)!
Let us sing hallelujah for he loves us and we are now able to love!

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