27.04.2008 - 6th Sunday after Easter - Year A
First Reading; Acts 8,5-8,14-17 Psalm; 66 Second Reading; 1 Peter 3,15-18
Gospel Reading; John 14,15-21
I believe in Jesus Christ …begotten and not made, of the same substance as the Father. It is important to have clear ideas about Jesus even though the mystery of his life and his presence in the world is beyond our comprehension. Some certainties like those affirmed by the first seven ecumenical Councils, are fundamental: among them is the quotation above. To affirm Jesus' divinity, we say that he was not made, but comes from the very being of God the Father. And then add that he is of the same substance: we use terms that are typical of the cultural age of Greek and Latin, but which can, however, still be understood and leave no doubts. That the Son is of "the same substance as the Father" shows us clearly that he is of the same divinity as the Father. But why is this fact so important? The Vatican Council II says "By incarnating, God's son unites in a certain way with every person. He worked with human hands, he thought with a human mind, he acted with human will, he loved with a human heart. He was born of the Virgin Mary becoming truly one of us, resembling us in all but sin (Gaudium et spes, 22). The Son of God became one of us! In doing so he confirms the value and dignity of every human being. Starting from this truth, slowly, but surely, Christianity, wherever it arrives, promotes the abolition of slavery and the rigid division of people into casts, affirming the dignity of everyone, the sick, the prisoners, the young and the old. Wherever Christianity is rejected or ignored, these divisions return and human beings are looked at through selfish eyes, as possible clients, or to be used as goods that are economically viable or not! We confirm confidently Jesus' divinity and his indisputable humanity !

The first reading shows us Philip evangelising. He talks of Jesus to the Samaritans who had refused to accept him. Now they listen to the Apostle who also heals and casts out demons. They are healed by the invocation of the Lord Jesus' name! The Church in Jerusalem feels the need to help Philip, above all with the invocation of the Holy Spirit, whom believers must receive to have strength and perseverance in testifying their faith in the Risen Lord! Peter and John go, not of their own initiative, but sent by the whole community. Here we can see how the Lord listens to the unanimous prayer of his Church: it is a delight for him to see them united among themselves out of love for him and he rewards them with great signs of his divine presence, working miracles, but, above all, giving the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the gift that Jesus promises his disciples during the Last Supper. He promises it to those who love him and he promises it as the Consoler. The Holy Spirit's task is to help believers in every situation, that of suffering, that of doubt, that of weakness, of difficulty. Believers in Jesus will not have an easy life, they will be tried and tested for they will have to bear witness to him. Witnessing to the love of the Father and to the salvation that comes from Jesus is much greater, is easier to recognise and is more convincing during difficult trials and suffering. For this reason the disciples need the Spirit to help them see that the main thing in life is not health or material wellbeing but union with Jesus! This guarantees the Father's favour and salvation. The presence and working of the Spirit becomes certainty for the disciples of the continuity of Jesus' presence with them as Lord and as Master, as friend and as brother. Let our lives unfold in the Holy Spirit, in his light and warmth and peace.
We would do well not to dismay the Spirit with our sins and our disobedience, with our pride and disdain of others, with our expectations and envy. We should try to make room for the Spirit of Jesus Christ, loving him with all our heart as St Peters invites us to do. By cultivating daily our inner lives we will be able to love others and to reply gently and with respect to those who do not understand, but would like to know about our faith, because they find in us the fruits of serenity and peace and life and inner wealth. In this way the Holy Spirit can spread God's warmth and light around us and attract others to the sweet vortex of salvation! We all need to be saved! It is the Holy Spirit who gives us love for all people and nations, who gives us the courage and generosity to bring them the holy, loving name of Jesus together with the true peace and the light of truth. Let us invoke the Holy Spirit to come to us and to fill the Church so that she might fulfil her work in the world.

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