01/02/2009 - 4th. Sunday in Ordinary Time - B
1st. Reading Deut 18, 15-20 Psalm 94 2nd Reading 1 Cor 7, 32-35 Gospel Mk 1, 21-28

When the disciple asked Jesus: "teach us how to pray", he immediately answered them. As if he was waiting for this request. He knew that to know how to pray is fundamental to be his disciples. He loves the Father, and wants that his disciples love him too as he loves him. The Father is worthy to be loved, worthy to be listened, worthy to be served. And for man to love, to listen, and to serve God is the fullness of life, is joy, is all! For Jesus to pray means to be all towards the Father, to be immersed in him, as if absorbed by his light, by his will, by his love. Hence it's fundamental for his disciples to pray, and pray in the true sense of the word, that is, as he meant pray to be: to be all addressed to the Father, to be transformed by his love, by his warmth, by his light. When Jesus prays, as if he forgets himself, does not commit himself with his or others needs. When he prays he is committed to see the Father, to know his desires, to take upon himself his will. That's why he dedicates so much time for prayer, even during the night and whole days. We won't be able to ask him those questions by which we often want to justify our laziness: what does it serve to pray? Why don't you pray at home instead of going to another place? Instead of spending time in prayer why don't you occupy yourself with the needs of others? Try to ask these questions to Jesus! He might answer you. Prayer is to help your conversion, to immerse yourself in the Father's love, to change your desires, to see the incongruence of your will, to find the motive and the strength to love others, to love who suffers with no interest and freely. Prayer, understood not as asking, but as addressing oneself to the Father to be absorbed in his love, is the continuous movement of the heart that wants to walk the way of conversion and holiness!
How important is the word! It can help us to live, can enlighten us in our choices in life, big and small, but can also be an instrument and cause of pain and suffering. Moses reveals to the people the intention of God to raise another prophet, a man of the people, who will transmit his Word so that all will listen to it and come to know how much they are loved, and how to behave so that they become an instrument of his wisdom. Every man is not to trust himself, but is to have someone who can help him listen to God, the only one who knows and wills the good of each and every single person, so that in return he or she becomes a blessing for others. A prophet will come who is truly obedient to God, a prophet who will not betray anyone. The one who will contradict him, or teach differently than him, is only a servant of death: this one is not to be listened.
The revelation of Moses finds echo in the one who speaks in the synagogue of Capharnaum, who speaks as one who has authority: it's Jesus! All understand that his word is not a human word, but a word that penetrates and touches deep, a word that creates joy and communion. All understand but not all are ready to welcome it. Amongst there are those who reject the truth and the life, the light and communion. Amongst there are those who want to contradict the Word that comes from above, and therefore they want to stop it's proclamation, not to be accepted. Who opposes the Word is not man himself, but the spirit that posses him. Jesus knows. Man has all the possibility to listen and welcomes his Word, and if man does not do it and opposes it, it is because in man there is a spirit that impedes him to do so. With his authority Jesus silence this evil spirit and with his authority he commands him to leave. Once freed, man can enjoy the presence of Jesus and his Word, that expresses the beauty and the goodness of God's love.
How many people would want to silence Jesus and stop his word from being proclaimed and listened! We love also these persons and pray that Jesus himself will free them from the spirit who imprison them, who makes them suffer, and make them instruments of death for many. We are not to be intimidated by those who cry out against Jesus, even by those who have found a way to do it in public using the media like news papers and TV, neither if one has found the support of some famous person.
Jesus is risen and alive in his Church, and continues to speak and teach for the joy of man. When Paul writes to the Corinthians, he knows that he is proclaiming the Word of that Jesus who is not someone who lived in the past but who continues to be present in time as the head of the Church! The apostle says a word that has found listening hearts: the Christian can commit himself to the things of the Lord, that is how to please him. Men and women have listened to this word and of it their rule of life: consecrated to God in virginity, many Christians have become living Word of God and a blessing for the Church and the world. Through them Jesus continues to speak, continues to proclaim that his love is able to fill the heart of the man and woman of today.
fatto la regola della propria vita: consacrati a Dio nella verginità molti cristiani sono diventati Parola vivente di Dio e benedizione per la Chiesa e per il mondo. Attraverso di loro Gesù continua a parlare, continua ad annunciare che il suo amore è capace di riempire il cuore dell'uomo.

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