17.10.2004 29th Sunday Ordinary Season - Year C

First Reading: Exodus 17, 8-13 Psalm 120
Second Reading: 2 Timothy 3,14-4,2 Gospel Reading: Luke 18, 1-8

In this month dedicated to missionary work, we can ask ourselves what could be done for the Mission of the Church in the world? How can we contribute to the great task that Jesus entrusted to his apostles and disciples to make all peoples his disciples? How can I love someone or even everyone so that they may know the sweetness of Jesus' yoke and be free of their oppression and tension?
We know that St Teresa of the Child Jesus was elected as the patron saint of missions. She was a Carmelite nun who never went away to announce the Gospel, but spent her whole life in continuous prayer for all missionaries! In this way the Church shows us how prayer is the first task of Christian missionaries! It is what Jesus said when he saw the crowds coming towards him: "pray that the owner will send his workers to reap the harvest"!
Today the readings are about prayer. Christians who do not pray will find it difficult to see the need to announce the gospel, they will find it difficult to bear witness to Jesus' salvation and probably they will not even know why they are Christians.
So Jesus tells us a parable and Luke explains that it is intended to make us aware how necessary it is to "always pray without ceasing". Does one tire when praying? Certainly, if we pray without love, we will soon tire! If our prayers however, are an expression of love we will not tire at all. Jesus gave us an example: when on the cross he prayed until his last breath. Today we read that even an unjust judge listened to a poor widow and granted her wish because she had kept insisting on his intervening. The judge intervened, despite being dishonest, because the woman had trusted him. How much more care will God have in His goodness for those who rely only on Him and turn to Him continuously.!
What will we ask God in our prayers? When his people were in battle, Moses prayed for their safety that they might continue on their way to the promised land where they would serve God and manifest His glory! Moses was helped by the most important people to continue praying , to hold his hands raised, so that constant prayer would accompany the nation in their struggle. We pray for the Church's Mission, that the work of the missionaries, which is hard, but not always noticeable, will bear fruit, not thanks to what men do, but thanks to God's intervention. The Psalm helps us to pray with this awareness: "my help comes from the Lord…The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and for evermore."
The Church throughout the world continues to fight: evil makes the battle necessary, evil which tempts the faithful, prevents preaching and discourages those who are most committed. The insistence of our prayers will not be to obtain personal benefit from God, but we will be aware of the needs of all the Church and for her work for the good of all mankind. How many nations have not yet heard the message of God's love and live in fear of some inexistent divinity or of astute men who use their beliefs to their own advantage.! How many men do not know the peace and joy of communion that we share thanks to the Holy Spirit!
Together with prayer St Paul recommends us to stay in the knowledge of God that has been passed down to us and to listen assiduously to the Scriptures. If they become our daily food, we will have wise and holy words with which to help our brothers and those who are not yet brothers.
Next Sunday is Missionary Day: constancy in prayer and in listening to the Word of God! These two forces make the presence of the Church in the world fruitful. Prayer will help the sword of the Word announced on earth save God's people from the enemy and will draw to the Saviour those who need saving! Through prayer and faithful listening of the Word I, too can do my duty as a missionary of the Church!

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