11.04.2004 Easter Sunday Year C

First Reading: Acts 10,34.37-43 Psalm 117
Second Reading: Col 3,1-4 Gospel Reading: John 20,1-9
Or (I Cor 5,6-8) (Luke 24,1-12, evening 24,13-35)

The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is at the centre of our faith, the beginning of our hope and the source and guarantee of our love. It is no surprise, therefore, that the Word of God today is offered in such abundance as to render the choice difficult. (In my comment, I will use the above readings which are not in brackets).
The right of the Lord has done wonders! In this way the psalm describes the stone which was discarded by those responsible for constructing, but was then put in the centre of the building by God Himself. We know that that stone was Jesus. He was indeed discarded, thrown among the refuse: and continues to be so by those who consider themselves important today. And God Himself continues to put him in the centre of every true, lasting building, offering him as the heart, the life and the light to every person and every institution which is well-deserving. God Himself makes Jesus, although crucified, the source of communion, peace and serenity to people, groups , families or entire nations!
God raised Jesus from the dead! This is not just a beautiful idea, but a fact which took place on the third day and was witnessed by many, by women who were afraid and by men who were amazed. They found it difficult to believe, they didn't want to believe. Jesus had, not only to appear, but also to eat in their presence, to be touched and to be heard. The difficulty for these disciple, including the apostles, are yet another guaranty of the truth of the fact. Jesus really did rise again! If those disciples who were so sceptical, then believed, it is surely a sign that there were some very convincing proofs! I can now say that I can trust their incredulity and believe!
Jesus has really risen again! If Jesus has risen, my life cannot be the same as it was before. This reminds me of St Paul. Since Jesus has risen, my thoughts are turned to his glory, they are turned to "those things that are above". The final dimension of life gives direction to all the rest. Now I live knowing with certainty that my place is with God, together with Jesus, so I will live so as to arrive at that moment. "Your life is hid with Christ in God"! I will decide and do everything on the basis of what Jesus said and did. Whatever people have said and thought, whatever I, myself have thought until now is no longer of any importance. Now I live as though hidden: I am not interested in appearances, in being important in this world, in receiving appreciation, for what I am fulfilling in my life is the Word of Jesus and his love! As St Peter says in the first reading he is "the judge of the living and the dead", and I am, therefore, attentive to all his words, to all his wishes and to what he did during his life.
This is the consequence of believing that Jesus lives. Perhaps because of this, it is difficult to believe! Believing effects one's life, one's expectations change. While many are oppressed by sadness and fear, whoever believes in the risen Jesus is serene and strong and capable of joy. While everyone is worried and busy with earthly things, health and well-being, economic success and progress, believers are able to think of spiritual realities, of growing and helping others to grown in the ability to love.
The gospel reading describes the first reactions of the disciples when they discove that Jesus' grave is empty. Mary Magdalene blames others. Simon Peter and "the other disciple" rush to see and are amazed that the sepulchre and the bindings are all in perfect order and realize that it could not have been others. They begin to believe that there is a special plan of God's taking place. When they are able to relate what is happening to the Scriptures, then their faith will become sure and clear, strong and luminous! Then they will believe in the words Jesus repeated in more than one occasion and circumstance.
We inherit their faith and enjoy it in simplicity. The song of hallelujah typical of today can help us to strengthen our faith, whatever the cost, and not to mix it with that hesitation that accompanied the faith of the disciples for many days.
Simply, but with all my heart, I too can say today: Jesus has risen, has truly risen!

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