April 2008 

1.4 Tues 2nd PT (Hugh of Grenoble)
Acts 4,32-37; Psalm 93; John 3,7-15

The Apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Acts 4,33

The apostles obeyed Jesus and remained in town until they were empowered from above. Then, moved by the Holy Spirit, they demonstrated in word and deed the beatifying and healing presence of Jesus, risen and alive amongst them. We too benefit from their witness and we too can become witnesses of the Lord when we open to the Holy Spirit!

2.4 Wed 2nd PT (Mary the Egyptian)
Acts 5,17-26; Psalm 34; John 3,16-21

It was not to judge the world that God sent his Son into the world but that through him the world might be saved! John 3,17

In what way was Jesus sent to save the world? In today's passage Jesus gives us the image of light. He is the light that came into the world to help us turn to the Father. Those who follow other lights that might seem more interesting, will not reach the God of Love, but will remain in their disappointing convictions.

3.4 Thurs 2nd PT (Sixtus I)
Acts 5,27-33; Psalm 34; John 3,31-36

The Father loves the Son! John 3,35

God the Father loves his only Son Jesus Christ; he trusted him completely and gave him every power in heaven and on earth: the son obeys him with love and offers him his life. Together with Jesus I experience obedience; we too are loved by the Father as his children!

If you wish to order a calendar for 2009, please send us the form you will find after 8th September.

4.4 Fri 2nd PT (Isidore of Seville)
Acts 5,34-42; Psalm 27; John 6,1-15

A large crowd followed him. John 6,2

It was almost Easter and the people used to go to Jerusalem for this festivity. A large crowd followed Jesus in Galilee. Why? Jesus spoke of God like the prophets did, with authority and convincingly and, furthermore, he confirmed what he said with healings of the sick and possessed. Thank you, Jesus, for the novelty and beauty of your word.

5.4 Sat 2nd PT (Vincent Ferrer)
Acts 6,1-7; Psalm 32; John 6,16-21

It is I; do not be afraid. John 6,20

Jesus was going out to meet his disciples who were in danger out at sea during a storm. He approached walking on the water and called out to them so they would not be afraid. His presence is always reassuring. It is other things we should fear!

6.4 Sun 3rd PT Year A (William of Eskill)
Acts 2,14.22-23; Psalm 15; ! Peter 1,17-21; Luke 24, 13-35

Jesus came up and walked with them. Luke 24,15

The risen Jesus came up to two sad, disappointed disciples who were leaving Jerusalem where Jesus had offered his life to the Father. He helped them to understand the connection between the Scriptures and what had happened in those days. Thank you, Jesus, for continuing to come to us in the breaking of the bread every Sunday.

7.4 Mon 3rd PT (John-Baptist de la Salle)
Acts 6,8-15; Psalm 119; John 6,22-29

You should work, not for this perishable food, but for the food that lasts, the food of eternal life. John 6, 27

The food that perishes is the food which feeds our body. The food of eternal life is what nourishes our spirit and brings us into communion with God here on earth. This "bread" is the word of Jesus; it is he whom the Father "consecrated" and he guarantees that "he is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased".

8.4 Tues 3rd PT (Perpetuus)
Acts 7,51-8,1; Psalm 31; John 6,30-35

You always resist the Holy Spirit! Acts 7,51

Stephen who was brought before the Sanhedrin, told of God's loving plan for his people. He tried to show how necessary it was not to stop at observing external norms and laws, but to enter into the heart of the law and to love God with all one's heart, all one's might and all one's mind. Only thus can the Father reveal the splendour of his face and bestow salvation.

9.4 Wed 3rd PT (Waudru)
Acts 8,1-8; Psalm 66; John 6,35-40

Anyone who comes to me I will never turn away! John 6,37

In the synagogue of Capernaum Jesus presents himself as bread for the life of the world. In humility and trust we go to him today and ask that our minds and hearts be illuminated. How much power for good, for harmony and for courage comes from our relationship with him! Let us be with you today, Jesus, so that we may have nourishment and live!

10.4 Thurs 3rd PT (Fulbert of Chartres)
Acts 8,26-40; Psalm 66; John 6,44-51

The bread which I shall give is my own flesh, given for the life of the world. John 6,51

Jesus refers here to the Holy Eucharist. The Eucharist we receive at mass is truly Jesus who gives himself to us to help us live and act like him, like true children of God. Thank you, Jesus!

11.4 Fri 3rd PT (Guthlac)
Acts 9,1-20; Psalm 117; John 6,52-59

I am Jesus whom you are persecuting! Acts 9,5

When Paul recognised Jesus in the Holy Spirit he realised he was on a path of lies. He then, not only stopped persecuting Christians, but gave his life to teaching about him who in reproving him, had shown his love for him.

12.4 Sat 3rd PT (Zeno of Verona)
Acts 9,31-42; Psalm 116; John 6,60-69

It is the Spirit that gives life! John 6,63

It is not enough for man to have food and drink and clothes and entertainment. If you open to the Holy Spirit, you will receive love and understanding for everyone and communion with Jesus and many others. You will never feel alone or useless!

13.4 Sun 4th PT Year A ((Martin 1)
Acts 2,14,36-41; Psalm 22; 1 Peter 2,20-25; John 10,1-10

I am the door! John 10,9

The image of the door became very dear to me after it was used for the "Holy Door" of the Jubilee 2000. I had the joy of being able to pass through it: it was like entering a familiar place, where "someone" had been waiting for me for some time: Thank you, Jesus, for the beauty of your house and the intimacy of your love. Thank you for your Church that does not wish anyone to be lost.

14.4 Mon 4th PT (Caradoc)
Acts 11,1-18; Psalm 41-42; John 10,11-18

The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. John 10,11

Jesus is the good shepherd who cares for his sheep. The image of the shepherd in the Old Testament always refers to God. Jesus, therefore, reveals himself to be the one who brings the Father's love to us, poor lost sheep! He does this in laying down his life for us.

15.4 Tues 4th PT (Basilissa and Anastasia)
Acts 11,19-26; Psalm 87; John 10,22-30

The Father and I are one! John 10,30

How can Jesus make this statement before the High Priests without being afraid of blaspheming?
He knew the Scriptures so well as to know what the Father wanted from his Messiah. He loved the Father so deeply as to be one with his desires, his thoughts, his words and his deeds to the point of be one and the same thing with him. He said only what was the Father's will.

16.4 Wed 4th PT (Bernadette)
Acts 12,24 - 13,5; Psalm 67; John 12,44-50

To see me is to see him who sent me! John 12,45

When I observe Jesus, I see only love and I realise that he loves me. His love for me, however, is not that of a human being's, it is truly God's love! In him I see the Scriptures of the prophets come true and the most beautiful dreams of men and women. Jesus, you are the true image of the Father!

17.4 Thurs 4th PT (Stephen Harding)
Acts 13,11113-25; Psalm 89; John 13,16-20

A servant is not greater than his master! John 13,16

Jesus had just washed his apostles' feet. The Master and the Lord humbled himself. This is his example: whoever wishes to be great must humble himself without complaining and without boasting!

18.4 Fri 4th PT (Apollonius)
Acts 13,26-33; Psalm 3; John 14,1-6

Trust in God always! Trust also in me! John 14,1

Jesus is talking of his "departure" from this world to go to the Father. The apostles are, therefore, sad and confused. Jesus invites them not to fear and to trust in the Father and in him: in the Father, who would give him back his life on the third day and in him, who will return and will take us with him. Thank you, Jesus for inviting us to trust in you!

19.4 Sat 4th PT (Leo IX)
Acts 13,44-52; Psalm 98; John 14,7-14

Lord, show us the Father. We ask no more! John 14,8

Jesus replies to the Apostle Philip: "whoever sees me, sees the Father". With the help of the Holy Spirit we can see in Jesus in many parts of the gospels, the face and love of the Father. Thank you, Jesus; your presence is always a revelation of God.

20.4 Sun 5th PT (Agnes of Montepulciano)
Acts 6,1-7; Psalm 33; 1 Peter 2,4-9; John 14,1-12

There are many dwelling places in my father's house. John 14,2

When I was a child I thought these dwelling places were comfortable armchairs! Now I think they could be positions of responsibility, positions from which to collaborate with Jesus to make the Church welcoming for those who have not yet come in so that when they do come they will know and delight in the love of the Father!

21.4 Mon 5th PT (Anselm)
Acts 14,5-18; Psalm 114; John 14,21-26

The Holy Spirit will teach you everything! John 14,26

We who are baptised and confirmed in the name of the Holy Trinity feel that Jesus speaks these words to us. The Holy Spirit guides us to knowing more and more of the mystery of God and to living as his children confident of his love and called upon to collaborate.

22.4 Tues 5th PT (Soter)
Acts 14,19-28; Psalm 145; John 14,27-31

Set your troubled hearts at rest! John 14, 27

When we are afraid and in difficulty Jesus tells us not to be troubled or to lose courage. He says, "I am leaving but I will return". Every time we wait for him with the lamp of faith lighting up the dark night, he will come to meet us like the bridegroom to our souls to celebrate our marriage.

23.4 Wed 5th PT (St George)
Acts 15,1-6; Psalm 122; John 15,1-8

…ask whatever you want and you shall have it. John 15,7

If we dwell in Jesus with our hope, our thought, our observation, we will bear much fruit. When we dwell in Jesus our prayers will also bear fruit and we shall receive what we ask for.

24.4 Thurs 5th PT (Ivo)
Acts 15,7-21; Psalm 96; John 15,9-11

Dwell in my love! John 15,9

Thank you, Jesus, for this exhortation. In listening to you with love, in obeying you we receive your spirit of holiness! In you we live as God's children, in constant love for everyone!

25.4 Fri 5th PT (St Mark the Evangelist)
1 Peter 5,5-14; Psalm 89; Mark 16,15-20

Those who believe it and receive baptism will be saved! Mark 16,16

The life of God bestowed upon us at Baptism grows day by day through faith which motivates us to be obedient to his word. We will then be able to enjoy the splendour of salvation; we will be saved from the fear and emptiness from which those who do not know the Father, suffer so terribly.

26.4 Sat 5th PT (Anacletus)
Acts 16,1-10; Psalm 100; John 15,18-21

They will also persecute you. John 15,20

Jesus tells us that if we are faithful to him and his word, there will be no lack of inner trials and outer persecutions! But he will give us strength and peace and the confidence that we are doing his will. And the Holy Spirit will comfort us!

27.4 Sun 6th PT Year A (Zita)
Acts 8,5-8,14-17; Psalm 66; John 14,15-21

I will not leave you bereft! I am coming back to you! John 14,18

Jesus is a friend, husband, brother and father, always faithful. He will never abandon us, never disappoint us. Today he will meet us during Mass and he will speak to us, he will give himself to those of us who believe in him! Thank you, Lord Jesus!

28.4 Mon 6th PT (Vitalis)
Acts 16,11-15; Psalm 150; John 15,26 - 16,4

You also are my witnesses. John 15,27

Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will be his witness and will also render us witnesses. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for I often realise you are helping me to live Jesus' words and to invite others to love him and to listen to him and to bear his cross with serenity.

29.4 Tues 6th PT ( Catherine of Siena)
1 John 1,5-2,2; Psalm 45; Matt 25,1-13

Truly I tell you, I do not know you. Matt 25,12

These words can be understood when the parable of the ten virgins is read. If we love Jesus we will be able to wait even at night, in troubled times, at the moment of death and we will be able to enter into intimacy with him in joy and enter together with him into the house of the Father. He will recognise us for we wait for him with love!

30.4 Wed 6th PT (Pius V)
Acts 17,15, 22 -18,1; Psalm 149; John 16,12-15

For in him we live and move, in him we exist! Acts 17,28

St Paul is helping the gentiles in Athens to recognise the existence of a greater God than their lesser gods for he is able to enter our lives with love. There are visible images of gods, but is the great God superior to them because he is invisible? The air we breathe and in which we move cannot be seen! God is so close to us and so necessary to life that he is even within every one of us!


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