April 2009 

1/4 Wednesday 5th Time of Lent
God is our Father and God alone! John 8,41
Jesus tries to help those who had begun to believe in him to grow in faith. However they are so rooted in their certainties and so convinced to be in the right and to have true knowledge of God that they are about to stone Jesus. Lord Jesus, you have seen the Father, make us humble and uncomplicated before your word.

2/4 Thursday 5th Time of Lent
I shall be your God! Genesis 17,7
What is the meaning of the term God? Abraham understood when he manifested himself. God is he who wishes to walk with men and women and to give them the land where they live so that it may become fertile. In exchange Abraham must consider him the Lord of life and acknowledge his laws which are a gift of his all knowing love. Abraham and his descendents were not to succeed in this task. This would be possible by means of the Spirit which the risen Christ would send upon his Church.

3/4 Friday 5th Time of Lent
And many came to believe in him! John 10,42
Many believed in Jesus when they saw that all that John the Baptist had said of him was true. We too, can be greatly helped in our faith when we observe what happened and happens to those who have accepted Jesus and put him at the centre of their expectations.

4/4 Saturday 5th Time of Lent
So from that day on they plotted his death! John 11,53
Deciding to kill Jesus was their ruin. It can also be for us when we decide to eliminate Jesus from our lives and do what we want. During the period of lent we can purify our hearts and give Jesus all the time and space he deserves. He can help us to renew our lives and free is from our egoism and non-acceptance of his teachings and lead us to communion with God and our brothers and sisters.

5/4 Palm Sunday
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak!
We all know from experience the truth of these words especially in moments of trial and suffering. It is good, therefore to admit our weakness before him who is the source of our strength and love. Through him we are able to face all that must happen without hesitation and may then enter eternity.

6/4 Holy Monday
I the Lord, have taken you by the hand! Isaiah 42,6
During the agonising events of these days and apparent abandon of God, Jesus knows and believes that his Father will accompany him and "has taken him by the hand". With him he will pass through death to rise again on the third day.

7/4 Holy Tuesday
Israel, you are my servant! Isaiah 49,3
The Father expresses the desire that his people should serve him in holiness and justice. Jesus has fulfilled this expectation of God's and now together with him, we too can do this by loving others.

8/4 Holy Wednesday
Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me! Matthew 26,21
Jesus had called the twelve disciples and now he calls us too to share the infinite wealth of his life. We too, might betray our wonderful friend and benefactor putting some other meagre satisfaction in his place only because we find it more fascinating.

9/4 Holy Thursday
Jesus loved them to the end. John 13,1
Take heart, for Jesus in his great love for us, gave us his life! It is the banquet which has been prepared for us! Let us be together today to praise you and thank you for this great gift, Lord Jesus!

10/4 Holy Friday
Here is your King! John 19,14
When we hear the word king, we think of someone who lives in luxury with many servants and ministers. Jesus is a different kind of king. He does not react to the violence of the guards. He does not succumb to Pilates game of words, but replies treating him as a person who can reason. He suffers in silence while the soldiers maltreat him. No words condemning the religious leaders and his killers escape his lips. Jesus, I declare you my King and bow down before you; do with me as you will.

11/4 Holy Saturday
Come let us return to the Lord, he will heal us! Hosea 6,1
This week the Church has helped us to contemplate the gift of Jesus' life; he offers it up for us sinners. He is our hope, salvation and peace. Thank you, Jesus, for your love!
Tomorrow we will contemplate your victory over death: thank you for letting us come to you to receive your pardon! Thank you!

12/4 Easter of the Resurrection of the Lord
He has been raised, he is not here! Mark 16,6
Lord Jesus, you helped and healed all those who were in the power of the devil. Today we celebrate your resurrection and life amongst us! Make your presence shine out and help us and heal us!

13/4 Easter Monday
They came up and clasped his feet, kneeling before him! Matthew 28,9
To believe that Jesus is risen and alive brings us to him in adoration. To adore means to obey because we recognise how much greater, wiser and loving he is than us!

14/4 Tuesday after Easter
Those who accepted what he said were baptised! Acts 2,41
A person once described how after being baptised, she felt a joy and peace for a few days that she had never felt before. She was so happy that even at night she prayed. When we are baptised we are immersed in the life of Jesus and are transformed and made able to love with mercy and forgiveness and to offer our lives to the Father in knowledge of him and the importance of his wisdom.

15/4 Wednesday after Easter
Then their eyes were opened and they recognised him! Luke 24,31
When we are with Jesus we receive the Holy Spirit from him in order to recognise him. During communal prayer I have more than once felt the light which allows me to recognise the work of the Lord and his presence. Thank you, Jesus!

16/4 Thursday after Easter
Jesus said: peace! Why are you so perturbed? Luke 24,36
The peace that Jesus gives us comes from the heart and is fruit of his death and resurrection. He offers it to everyone and his disciples experience it as will all who accept him as Lord of their lives and offer to serve him. Thank you, Jesus, for your peace, for which I have worked, although far less than you!

17/4 Good Friday
There is no salvation through anyone else! Acts 4,12
Lord Jesus, who can be saved without a saviour? Who can see without the light? Who can climb up out of the abyss without a ladder? You are the ladder, the light, the saviour. That is why your name is Jesus: God saves! Yes, God saves through you. No-one else can take your place. Whoever tries to do so, deceives us.

18/4 Easter Saturday
He reproached them for their incredulity! Mark 16,14
Jesus appeared to the eleven disciples so that they would believe that he had risen and was alive. Mary Magdalene's testimony and that of the two on their way to Emmaus was not sufficient. Despite having heard the gospels preached for years and stories of testimonials, my true path of faith in Jesus began only after a personal experience of meeting with him. Thank you, Jesus, for those who showed me that I was wasting the opportunities you gave me and for being so patient with me!

19/4 Sunday 2nd PT "of Divine Mercy"
"We have seen the Lord!" John 20,25
The apostles saw you after you had risen from the dead! Their testimony was made credible by the joy in their hearts which shortly before had been sad and depressed. But Thomas could not believe them or his own eyes even when he saw that incredible joy on their faces. We can be grateful to Jesus for his compassion for Thomas. He showed him the signs of the nails in his hands and he forgives our sins too!

20/4 Monday 2nd PT
Stretch out your hand to heal! Acts 4,30
These words were an invocation to the Father by the apostles and those gathered around to help them overcome the obstacles in announcing the Good News. The Lord replied immediately with a new effusion of the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Father, that we can always trust in your help!

21/4 Tuesday 2nd PT
Everyone who has faith may in him have eternal life! John 3,15
God, who is love and Father, wishes to give us his life in Jesus his Son. In accepting Jesus with faith and love we receive the Holy Spirit, which is a full, new life as children of God.
Thank you, heavenly Father!

22/4 Wednesday 2nd PT
Those who live by the truth come to the light! John 3,21
Jesus is speaking to Nicodemus who recognises that God works in him. Jesus is aware that Nicodemus has an open heart and he reveals himself. He affirms that only those who live the law as love of God can come to the light and receive grace from recognising in him the Son of God. On the other hand, those who only observe the law exteriorly or use it for their own purposes like the leaders of the Temple are in darkness and incapable of receiving Jesus.

23/4 Thursday 2nd PT
We must obey God rather than men! Acts 5,27
These words seem rather obvious and yet we have to repeat them frequently! It is more automatic to obey our logic and comfort rather than God! It is easy to follow fashion and old habits and to forget to love our brothers and sisters and the demands of our faith!

24/4 Friday 2nd PT
Jesus said; make the people sit down! John 6,10
With Jesus the people had reached the end of their "exodus". With him, the "Shepherd of Israel", the new people of God could rest in "green pastures" and be seated "at the banquet", the one God promised to Israel with the coming of the Messiah. With the little that your community has at its disposal, "five loaves and two fish" and shares with you, Jesus, you teach solidarity to your Church: no-one will be left in need!

25/4 2nd PT
Peace to you all, who belong to Christ! I Peter 5,14
St Peter ends his first letter with these words to all believers who live in faith in Jesus Christ. In him they are blessed with his peace which is to share his love and his grace.

26/4 Sunday 3rd PT
Look at my hands and my feet! It is I myself! Luke 24,39
The resurrection of Jesus was not the fruit of the imagination of the Apostles or something they made up. They had touched him and spoken to him. He truly died on the cross and rose again as prophesied in the Scriptures. He continued to show his wounds: we can see them in the persecuted Church and touch them in the testimonials of his martyrs who even today are still being killed.

27/4 Monday 3rd PT
The crowd …went in search of Jesus! John 6,24
The crowd searched for Jesus who just the day before had multiplied the loaves and the fish for them. He understood that they were not searching for him to place themselves at his disposal and he began to teach what is essential and pleasing in life to the Father: to believe in him, the source of all that is good. Jesus, be my guide, I wish to be with you!

28/4 Tuesday 3rd PT
Lord, give us this bread, now and always! John 6,34
It was difficult for many who were listening to Jesus in the synagogue in Capernaum to understand what he meant by "I am the bread sent from heaven".
To be open to this truth is a gift of God. It is a gift of God to understand that it is Jesus who fills our lives and gives them true meaning. Whoever is aware of this cannot do without the daily food of his word.

29/4 Wednesday 3rd PT
Sir, sir! Open the doors for us! Matthew 25,11
St Catherine is one of the wise virgins referred to in the parable. Every day she has waited with love for Jesus and is ready to do his will. He is the bridegroom who offers himself to every soul.
Oh Holy Spirit, help me to be ready for Jesus and to await him with love!

30/4 Thursday 3rd PT
He who has come from God has seen the Father. John 6,46
Jesus knows that he "came from heaven"; he grew up in this awareness. As a twelve year old he knew that the Father spoke through the Scriptures and to Mary and Joseph who were looking for him in the Temple he said that he was in his Father's hands. Then he affirmed that he had come to reveal the Father to us and that he knew the Father's heart, feelings and thoughts. With him we will come to the Father .


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