June 2009 

1/6 Monday IXth OT
A man planted a vineyard ….. and then went abroad. Mark 12,1
Jesus entrusted to us Christians our personal lives to enrich with his many gifts, his Church to look after and help grow and the world to illuminate and conserve. He will come at the end of time and ask for the fruits of our work. If all we did was through love of him, we will be ready to receive him with joy and he will bless us.

2/6 Tuesday IXth OT
I was blind for four years. Tobit 2,10
Tobit who had been blinded because of a banal accident, was able, despite his terrible situation, to give thanks to the Lord. As Christians, with the example of Jesus, the beloved Son, who suffered more than any man, we know that our suffering is a precious gift for which to thank the Father: together with the Son's cross, it opens the heavens and allows a rain of grace to pour out onto the thirsty earth.

3/6 Wednesday IXth OT
They are like angels in heaven. Mark 12,25
Today Jesus reveals that the dead will rise and live free of emotional ties; their lives will be for the Lord like those of the angels of God. Among Christians there are some who already have this vocation: to live free of human emotional ties: this will be the way for everyone in the future. Many saints are examples.

4/6 Thursday IXth OT
You are not far from the Kingdom of God! Mark 12,34
Jesus is the only true teacher. He knows everything, he knows us deeply and can reveal to us where we are in our spiritual lives. Thank you, Jesus, I trust you and your wise teachings.

5/6 Friday IXth
I can see you, my son, light of my eyes! Tobit 11,14
Tobias returns from his long journey accompanied by the angel Raphael. He obeys his instructions and spreads the fish gall from the fish he had caught in the river, on the blind eyes of his father. When Tobit opened his eyes, he could see. He knew that trust in God is always repaid, even though many years may pass and that in the end the joy will be all the greater!

6/6 Saturday IXth
Beware of the Scribes! Mark 12,38
Today Jesus might say to us: guard your feelings, your thoughts from any breath of vanity, of superficiality, of hypocrisy ….: your lives are full of true holiness, which loves and always searches for the glory of the Father.

7/6 Sunday of the Most Holy Trinity
I will be with you always! Matthew 28,20
Jesus told this wonderful truth to his disciples before his bodily ascension into heaven. It is a wonderful reality for believers; it helps us and comforts us every time we remember it. The presence of Jesus is the presence of God who saves and gives life abundantly to his people.

8/6 Monday Xth OT
Blessed are the gentle for they shall have earth for their possession. Matthew 5,5
Gentle people are always present and helpful and yet they are never imposing. Jesus was gentle and we can learn from him. He gives us the Holy Spirit who brings about gentleness in us. Those who are gentle enjoy everything, the earth and all that is on the earth!

9/6 Tuesday Xth OT
It is by faith that you stand! II Corinthians 1,24
Paul reminds the Corinthians that they are not alone and without help in their trials and that they have received precious gifts. The seal of belonging to God, the Holy Spirit and faith, are treasures greatly to be desired! Thank you, Jesus, for giving us confidence through your love, to be able to testify that we are children of a good Father.

10/6 Wednesday Xth OT
They will have the lowest place in the kingdom of Heaven! Matthew 5,19
Thank you, Jesus, for coming to illuminate God's law and to complete it, not to abolish it. With your grace you help us to live God's law fully, as a gift of love, so that we may come to be like you and give joy to our Father and in so doing, be of help to others and not an obstacle.

11/6 Thursday Xth OT
…and then come back and offer your gift! Matthew 5,24
You, Lord, receive us when we draw close to you in praise or with an invocation or with something to offer. As a good father or mother, you look us in the eyes, you look into our hearts: there you wish to find the purity of love for and peace with our brothers and sisters, the purity and peace that render our lives pleasing unto you.

12/6 Friday Xth OT
…. whoever marries her commits adultery! Matthew 5,32
Jesus continues to cast light on how to live according to the Father. Whoever marries should do it in a manner pleasing to him as he wants only what is good for us and what can be fruitful. One cannot take a woman who has been given to another man by God. Come, Holy Spirit and help us!

13/6 Saturday Xth OT
He died for all! II Corinthians 5,15
I believe, Jesus Christ, that you were condemned to death to free me and every person from eternal death. To wash away our sins you offered yourself to the Father so that we can return to him and live without fear as his children. Thank you, Jesus, I want to live for you and with you with your help!

14/6 Sunday The Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus
This is my blood shed for many. Mark 14,24
With these words during Holy Mass, the source of life given by the Father in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, is made present. We invoke this blood which heals our diseases and wounds, over ourselves, our children, our community, over all the Church. In this blood which was shed for us lies the health of the world!

15/6 Monday XIth OT
Give to anyone who asks! Matthew 5,42
Any father or mother can see how difficult it is for small children to give something even of little worth to a brother or sister. With a heart nourished by prayer we can offer our little ones words and gestures that can help them to grow in charity: it is a wonderful science to which even as Christians, children of our heavenly father, we attach too little value.

16/6 Tuesday XIth OT
….be children of your heavenly Father. Matthew 5,45
Jesus says to those who are following him: "love your enemies and pray for your persecutors; only so can you be children of your heavenly Father". To say no to your feelings in order to obey Jesus' words is not easy: it is necessary to love God more than ourselves. If we do this, we will see the incalculable good of being God's children and his life will enter into us.

17/6 Wednesday OT
God loves a cheerful giver. II Corinthians 9,7
Once I was in the position to give away a small sum. I knew that giving it away would make no difference to my life, while it would help another person. I did it gladly. A lot long time later I heard that it had doubly benefited the person who had received it: they were able to pay back a debt and they realised that the Father was there for them and felt loved by him.

18/6 Thursday XIth OT
Deliver us from evil! Matthew 6,13
Deliver me today, Lord Jesus: free me of the spirit of haste, of fear, of giving a poor impression, free me of the spirit of judging and division, free me of envy, of losing heart, of losing confidence in you…. With a free new heart I will be able to praise you, experience your love and serve you with all my strength.

19/6 Friday XIth The Sacred Heart of Jesus
He knows that he speaks the truth so that you too may believe! John 19,35
St John whose head rested on Jesus' breast and whom Jesus loved greatly, tells us that the Lord's heart was pierced through by a soldiers lance after death on the cross and that this was foreseen by the prophets and that it was to be done for the salvation of whoever believed in him. Thank you, Lord Jesus!

20/6 Saturday XIth OT
Let me exult in my God! Isaiah 61,10
I too, wish to praise you, my Lord and God, my joy and my strength! You gave me a Mother who never forgets me, a Mother who always places me beside her other Son and who commends me to him! This Mother has a very great heart in which we all have a place!

21/6 Sunday XIIth OT
He said to the sea: "silence, be still!" Mark 4,39
Sometimes when we are in difficulty we look to God as someone who can and must help us; perhaps we even think our faith is great. Jesus, himself, in today's reading helps us to look at God as "he who is" rather than "he who can"! It is in recognising Jesus as the Son of God and the Lord of our lives that we live in faith and receive eternal life.

22/6 Monday XIIth OT
Abraham set out as the Lord had bidden him! Genesis 12,4
In the Old Testament we find from the beginning, God's wish for man to trust him and to obey him freely out of love for his word. Our Creator knows better than us what our needs and our limits are. Fortunate are those who trust in him and walk his paths.

23/6 Tuesday XIIth OT
Narrow is the road that leads to life! Matthew 7,14
Everybody wants a better, safer life and works hard for it. In such an important matter it is better not to follow everyone else, but to verify carefully and with method in whose hands we are putting our future, our eternity. We will look for a safe guide!

24/6 Wednesday XIIth OT The Birth of St John the Baptist
All the neighbours were overcome with awe! Luke 1,64
What God the Father does in the inner lives of those who love him is wonderful! We can see it in the lives of his saints. Today in the gospel reading of John the Baptist's birth we see how God's thoughts differ from ours and how everything is possible for him and this strengthens our faith in him; we are truly grateful for this!

25/6 Thursday XIIth OT
Whoever hears these words… is like a wise man… Matthew 7,24
To listen is a sign of love and trust: wives listen to their husbands, children listen to their fathers, friends listen to their friends… And our love for Jesus begins with listening to his words: they contain a wisdom that can light up our lives, fulfil us and give us stability.

26/6 Friday XIIth OT
And his leprosy was cured immediately. Matthew 8,3
When I have turned to the Lord in humility and sincerity for help, he has listened to me and every time I have asked him to wash away my sins, he has freed me by means of one of his ministers. Thank you, Lord Jesus! Thank you also for your saints who are examples for us and help us in our belief!

27/6 Saturday XIIth OT
He healed all who were sick! Mathew 8,16
Jesus heals with the touch of his hand and with his word. Let us come close to him, to his gospel, to his banquet so that he can give us his love. We thank him also for our infirmities and we offer them to him as an expression of our prayer.

28/6 Sunday XIIIth OT
The girl got up and walked about. Mark 5,42
The little girl had been dead and she got up and walked about thanks to Jesus' word. All his words carry the power of life-giving love, so when we remember his word, perhaps simply repeating some verse from the gospels, we will be restored, vivified and fecundated by the life of God himself.

29/6 Monday XIIIth OT St Peter and St Paul
You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God! Matthew 16,16
In this profession of faith lies the prayer and the hope of an entire people, who for centuries, had awaited their Liberator. It is the faith that transformed the life of Peter, though it was not easy! And it is the faith that was to give light to Paul's intelligence; and he continues to help us with his letters to understand and bring modern meaning to the new situations in which the Church finds herself.

30/6 Tuesday XIIIth OT
Save us Lord, we are sinking! Matthew 8,25
It seems sometimes that God is not very interested in human affairs or in our troubles, but this is not so. As a good father or a good mother, he watches over us constantly and is always ready to help us. We trust in him and in Jesus, his Son!


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