October 2009 


1/10 Thursday XXVIth OT
…take note of this; the Kingdom of God has come! Luke 10,11
Jesus sent his disciples out in pairs to announce this good news to everyone: they declared it with their lives of reciprocal love, unity, prayer and, above all, dependence on the Father's providence.
He wanted them witnesses his love and recommended in particular care of the weak and sick!

2/10 Friday XXVIth OT The Guardian Angels
He called a child! Matthew 18,2
Jesus is with his disciples who are discussing about who was the greatest amongst them. So he called a child to demonstrate that whoever was not willing to be like a child, and considered of no importance in the community, could not receive fullness of Spirit. The Father will send his angels to the little ones and to those who make themselves small.

3/10 Saturday XXVIth OT
Nothing will ever harm you! Luke 10,19
If we are with Jesus we receive the Holy Spirit which makes everything work towards our maturing both as human beings and as Christians. Even adversity and things that seem negative to us become an instrument for growth. Thank you, Jesus, you are our life!

4/10 Sunday XXVIIth OT
The two become one flesh! Mark 10,7
To the words: "restore my Church", Francis replies with immediate and total willingness. He did not understand everything at first, but he commits himself straight away to fulfilling God's wish.
Today Jesus says: "the two shall be one flesh". Even married couples are asked to restore the Church! Their unity and faithfulness to their marriage vows are the most precious contribution in the restoration of the Church. It is such a valuable service that all of society benefits enormously from it.

5/10 Monday XXVIIth OT
Look after him! Luke 10,35
This is what the good Samaritan says to the innkeeper who is to look after the unfortunate traveller. It is the way that Jesus shows to enter into Life; to be compassionate for those around us, in particular for the children, the poor and those in difficulty. Thank you, Jesus, for looking after me through your Church. Thank you for those who help me look after the wounds caused by ignorance of your love.

6/10 Tuesday XXVIIth OT
Mary seated herself at the Lord's feet and stayed there listening to him. Luke 10,39
To listen, in the Bible, is a term which is frequently used. To listen requires willingness to receive, to be aware, to let oneself be cared for, to let peace enter, to be enriched. To listen is the condition necessary to reach God and to love him with a pure, unified heart; to love him is to know him and this is for us life eternal.

7/10 Wednesday XXVIIth OT The Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary
His reign shall never end! Luke 1,33
These words of the Angel Gabriel evoke God's promise to Abraham: "I will give you descendants for centuries…". This promise renewed to Isaac and Jacob, was to pass to the house of David to be fulfilled in Jesus.
We thank Mary for her willingness. We join her in saying yes, in order to give light in the spirit, to Jesus and to contribute in spreading his Kingdom.

8/10 Thursday XXVIIth OT
Knock and it shall be opened. Luke 11,9
I stand before your heart, Father, desirous of entering and immerging myself in your love. I know you have always loved me and thought of me as your child and collaborator. I have returned to help you bring love into the world, above all where there is none and where although you knock, the door is not opened. It is I who knock! Please open!

9/10 Friday XXVIIth OT
The kingdom of God has already come upon you! Luke 11,20
When Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of God, he was speaking of himself, the love of the Father that in becoming man shared with us our condition in order to sanctify it. Your presence, Jesus, brings freedom to my life from sin, from the fear of death and from those who wish to kill me and it gives me peace and joy.

10/10 Saturday XXVIIth OT
Happy are those who hear the word of God and keep it! Luke 11,28
Jesus values people not for their abilities or how good they are, but on the basis of their friendship with God. Thus Mary is blessed not so much because she gave birth to a "rabbi" , but because she led her life according to the Word of God!

11/10 Sunday XXVIIIth OT
Everything is possible for God. Mark 10,27
Jesus says that riches are a danger and an obstacle to entering into the kingdom of God, but that it is possible to free the rich from their attachment to material goods and to introduce them into the kingdom of God. Thank you, Jesus, source of hope for all!

12/10 Monday XVIIIth OT
Including you who have heard the call! Romans 1,6
Being called by Jesus is a mystery which is still very relevant today. For me it began when I went to catechesis; it grew stronger after my participation in meetings of New Testament readings and
matured after the departure of a young priest to a mission. Together with others I decided to support him and thus discovered the beauty and the joy of serving Jesus and his Church. I experienced his love more and more and when I received the call to offer him my life, I could not resist.

13/10 Tuesday XVIIIth OT
A Pharisee invited him to a meal! Luke 11,37
Jesus accepted the invitation to share a meal with a Pharisee and sat down at table with him. He tried to help him, casting light on his spiritual pride. Thank you, Jesus, for accepting everyone's invitation, even if they are sinners and far from the truth. Come also to me, Lord Jesus, with your mercy!

14/10 Wednesday XVIIIth OT
For everyone who does right there will be glory, honour and peace! Romans 2,10
God is a good, just Father: he keeps his promises. When I have acted according to Jesus' teachings, I have always found peace of heart and also honour. But when I have not been faithful to him, I have always felt uneasy. Oh Holy Spirit, guide us and sustain us!

15/10 Thursday XXVIIIth OT
You have taken away the key of knowledge! Luke 11,52
The Pharisees had taken away the key to access the knowledge of God: they taught that if the people observed the laws with their own strength they would be alright before God. But God reveals himself to the humble, to the insignificant and to the poor as the Lord of mercy who rewards faith in him! Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your mercy.

16/10 Friday XXVIIIth OT
Not one of them is overlooked by God! Luke 12,6
Who is not overlooked by God? The sparrows! Yes, the Father provides even for them. This is of great hope for us. Jesus assures us that whoever listens to his word and remains in his love need not fear any who might wish to "kill" them or the uncertainty of the future! The Father himself looks after us. "Do not be afraid", the Church continues to repeat to us; Jesus is risen and he is our hope!

17/10 Saturday XXVIIIth OT
The promise that the world should be their inheritance came from faith! Romans 4,13
St Paul said to the Christians: "you belong to God" and St John: "we are children of God". Whoever believes in Jesus can recognise the truth of these words. Living as God's children, we participate in his works which we will fully enjoy in paradise.

18/10 Sunday XXIXth OT
Whoever wants to be great must be your servant! Mark 10,43
Jesus, who is Lord and Master, became our servant in order to save us. To be great we must imitate him: there are no other ways that lead to the Father's heart and there is nothing greater than the Father's heart. There is nothing greater than being like him.

19/10 Monday XXIXth OT
He brought us to life with Christ when we were dead because of our sins! Ephesians 2,5
Thank you, Father, for your love which is superior to all our expectations and desires. We were truly dead, without life without joy, without hope: in giving us Jesus, you gave us everything. With Jesus in our hearts we are alive and capable of communion, full of joy and new life! Thank you, Father!

20/10 Tuesday XXIXth OT
He will hitch up his robe and wait on them! Luke 12,37
Jesus entrusted us with a gift to take care of and increase our faith in him! When we exercise it with love and perseverance, we give glory to him: and then we receive peace and joy and he can serve us at his table! Oh Holy Spirit, I trust in your help.

21/10 Wednesday XXIXth OT
Put yourselves at the disposal of God. Romans 6,13
Paul, just as anyone who had looked at least once at the "crucifix" with love, knew what it means to give one's life to God: it is to see its value, its immortal beauty, true, free, useful, a source of goodness and pleasing to God. It is sin that keeps us slaves and makes us see our offer as an act of death, as an act of annihilation.

22/10 Thursday XXIXth OT
I have come to set fire to the earth. Luke 12,49
Thank you, Jesus, for coming to earth as a man to communicate to us your holy Spirit, to give it to us by sacrificing yourself on the cross and rising from the dead. We receive it through the sacraments and exercising of the faith.

23/10 Friday XXIXth OT
Who is there to rescue me from this state of death? Romans 7,24
St Paul puts himself in our shoes: as soon as we wish to commit to living according to the Gospels we are assailed by fear, by the awareness of our fragility and by other desires which block us. We can only trust in Jesus and in his love. Come, Holy Spirit, teach me innerly that I may grow until I have the stature of God's Son.

24/10 Saturday XXIXth OT
Unless you repent you will all of you come to the same end! Luke 13,3
Jesus had heard the sad news that Pilate had killed those who had entered the temple to pray and said: "unless you repent you will all of you come to the same end". Convert! … if my life and my death are not to be a disgrace I must convert! Conversion occurs when we are obedient to Jesus, who today speaks to us through his Church.

25/10 Sunday XXXth OT
Jesus stopped and said: call him! Mark 10,49
Jesus on hearing himself being publicly called the Son of David, the title of the messiah, stops. He tells his disciples to call the blind man "hidden" in the crowd. Bartimaeus had felt that God was giving him the opportunity to find a way out of the darkness of his life. He jumped up and leaving the cloak of his poor certainties he went towards Jesus. Jesus recognised his faith and healed him and allowed him to follow him.

26/10 Monday XXXth OT
The people were delighted at all the wonderful things he was doing. Luke 13,17
Jesus healed a woman who for eighteen years had been bent double and had been unable to lift her eyes to heaven. Jesus wants to heal our eyes which are turned to ourselves by turning them to look at him instead. Our lives will become glory to God and will be filled with joy!

27/10 Tuesday XXXth OT
It was with this hope that we were saved! Romans 824
We tend to think that to hope is to imagine a situation as it could be or how we would like it to be and hope for its realisation. For St Paul to hope means to be absolutely certain that what Jesus says is already so, now! Thank you, Jesus, for this certainty regarding our salvation!

28/10 Wednesday XXXth OT The Apostles Simon and Judas
He spent the night in prayer to God. Luke 6,12
Jesus wants to give glory to the Father and to do his will and for this reason he searches for him and listens in prayer. Once he receives light from him, he takes the decisions that the Father indicates to him. Jesus, help us to follow your example. Simon and Judas, pray for us.

29/10 Thursday XXXth OT
Blessings on him who comes in the name of the Lord! Luke 13,35
In another verse of the Scriptures it says: "how beautiful are the feet of the messenger of good news!" Both are expressions of jubilation and love for Jesus. He came to make us children of God once more and to be his heirs.

30/10 Friday XXXth OT
He took the man, cured him and sent him away! Luke 14,4
Jesus is the light and salvation of every man who lives humbly and in the spirit of poverty. His life helps us to correct convictions and any orientation which is not according to the heart of God the Father. Thank you, Jesus, for coming to the earth!

31/10 Saturday XXXth OT
For the gracious gifts of God and his calling are irrevocable! Romans 11,29
Yes, God is faithful. He has given great gifts to those he has chosen, so that they may be of help to everybody in knowing him and entering into his Kingdom. He will not revoke these gifts even if the chosen ones do not live according to his heart. Thank you, Father, for your generosity, patience and compassion.


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