06.01.2008 - Epiphany of the Lord
First Reading: Isaiah 60,1-6 Psalm 72 Second Reading: Ephesians 3,2-3.5-6
Gospel Reading; Matthew 2,1-12

Today we are focussing on the fact that the mystery of God's love is destined to be revealed to all men. At first it was only the Jews who knew God as declared in the Psalm and as Jesus himself said in his conversation with the Samaritan woman. However God made himself known to them so that they would offer their knowledge to all other peoples. All men are loved by God the Father, who created them not to abandon them, but to have them with him. Today he reveals himself and fulfils this mystery through the presentation of Jesus to the representatives of all people in the world!
This opportunity comes via the search of the three magi. They represent the pagan nations who direct their lives through a science which they consider certain, and through intelligent effort, but which alone does not lead them to an appreciable conclusion. Their interpretation in following the star does indeed, bring them to the right path, but it does not bring them to where they wanted. They come to quite the wrong person, to Herod, an enemy of justice and truth.
Here, in Herod's palace, the wise men of Israel help the strangers to find their way, but without joining them! Those who come from afar find humanity's treasure, while those who know, keep their distance, afraid of any changes that might become necessary in their lives. What happened will happen again: those who are close will go away and those who are far away will come close. Jesus will experience this. The apostles will experience this and will announce the gospel to the pagans because the Jews will refuse to listen.
What happens in the place indicated by the star, is an example for all of us: the wise men bring their gifts to the Child in his Mother's arms. Their gifts are rich in symbolism. Gold is recognition of Jesus' royalty, incense his divinity and myrrh his immortality. With their symbols the wise men recognise that Jesus is the king of God's kingdom, that he is God himself and that he overcomes death, man's enemy. These symbols are given to the Child and they speak clearly; only he, is worthy to reign, to be honoured by men and women, to live forever. Those who are wise and approach Jesus and give him their gifts, discover the beauty of poverty chosen out love for him, for riches are only worth something when they are in his hands; they discover the beauty of obedience and humility, because only Jesus can "command" without depriving us of our freedom; they discover the beauty and the value of gentleness and chastity because only the presence of Jesus is necessary for the future of the world.
The wise men needed Herod in order to reach Jesus, but they needed no-one to return to their homelands. Jesus himself was their guide. They did not need the stars for the Sun shone on their path. They will look carefully at every child, for in every child that Child is reflected. They will look carefully and with awe at the face of every man and woman because every person is for God a child who bears the image of the Child adored in Bethlehem.
What a lot of changes when one meets Jesus! And even if Jesus does not say a word, his presence is the Word!
The presence of Jesus is constant and it is offered to us in many ways: in particular in the celebrations of the liturgical Year which are explained today by the Church in the main stages:

"Dear Brothers and Sisters, the glory of the Lord is manifest and will always be manifest amongst us until his return. In the rhythm and events of time let us remember and live the mysteries of salvation.
The central point of the liturgical year is Christ crucified, buried and risen, which culminates on Easter Sunday, 23rd March.
Every Sunday, the Easter of the week, the Holy Church reminds us of this great event when Christ overcame sin and death.
After Easter come the Holy days:
Ash Wednesday, at the beginning of Lent, 6th February.
The Ascension of the Lord, 4th May.
Pentecost, 11th May
The First Sunday of Advent, 30th November

Even on the Holy days of Mary the Mother of God, of the Apostles, of the Saints and in Commemoration of the Dead, the Church proclaims the Easter of our Lord,
Let Christ, who was, who is and who will be, Lord of all times, be praised for ever and ever.

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