1Reading Ecc 15,15-20 Psalm 118 2Reading 1Cor 2,6-10 Gospel Mt 5,17-37

Secrets and mysteries! The mystery of God was hidden and now it is revealed. This is what St. Paul is telling us. Nobody, neither powerful nor the wise of this world have been able to penetrate the secrets of God. Only those who love him can know something, and those who really love him are those who accept the one who was crucified. We are among these too: there we can boast, but with humility, because if we are not humble God does not manifest himself to us: it is he who reveals himself, it's not us who discover the secrets of his heart. He reveals it only to little and humble.
Today, Jesus reveals to us the way he read the commandments of God. He reads them as a son, not as a servant. The servants obey God without loving him, careful to follow his orders to the letter, and more with a little fear: expect a reward and fear punishment. Jesus shows us how a child as obeys, how a son who loves his father, who wants to work with him. A son knows that God the Father is love, and therefore receives the Commandments as a gift of love both for those who obey them, and for those who are committed to that obedience. Jesus introduces us to the heart of God and there reveals his intimacy with the Father, he reveals his the beauty and the depth of his love. In the Sermon on the Mount, that we continue to listen, he gives us some examples as how to read the commandments.

Why God told men: "Thou shalt not kill"? God has given this command because he loves all men, his creatures. His love for them is deep and constant. It is not enough for a child not to kill, but he tries to bring the Father's love fto everyone. A child will try to help the growth of men, encouraging them in the maturation of all the capacity to love. Killing means to deprive of life, and there are many ways of depriving people of life: an offensive word or a sick mockery can be bitter and make the day a man a hell, or blocked it in its growth. When one argues with someone else for whatever selfish interest one puts the other in anxiety that won't let him sleep. Those who love God as a child so do not argue and does not offend anyone. And why did the Father give us the commandment "Thou shalt not commit adultery"? If one cares to listen like a son, one tries to understand God's intentions for marriage. If He has blessed the union of a man and a woman, one is not to think even begin to break this union. That is a curse. It would be an offense against God. It does not matter if one 'likes' another man or woman more than own, not even if he or she is consenting or even asks you to do so. You have to obey not to men but to God. If you join with someone who betrays his or her spouse, you will help him break up a marriage given by God: you are guilty before him. Every disobedience to God is not even love to man. You cannot call love an action of disobedience to the Father. Another example of filial love Jesus offers it with respect to the oath. It is serious thing because it is God's call to witness the truth of your statement or your denial. The commandment not to swear falsely tells you therefore not to be familiar with this way of speaking, that is never to swear to substantiate your claims. If you get used to tell the truth you do not need to swear. You are already a child of God and what you say must be measured and true, otherwise you give space to the liar, who is the evil one.
All the commandments are for life: "If you keep the commandments, they guard you, if you trust him, you shall live." It is foolish to ask God for prosperity and happiness without listening. He has already shown the way of joy and peace through his commands. It is wise however to take seriously every word that comes from the mouth of God, and, of course, love the Word made flesh! Accepting Jesus is the true sign of listening to God, it is the most effective wisdom, it is the way of a true life!

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