10/07/2011 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Season - Year A

1Reading Is 55,10-11 Psalm 64 2Reading Rom 8,18-23 Gospel Mt 13,1-23

In today's Gospel, I feel as if Jesus is answering the question that often comes to my mind: What about my homilies? I have been preaching for more than 40 years every Sunday, but don't see big changes, don't see people loving more Jesus, don't see, as far as I can see, holiness around me. Because of my sins and my inability I cannot expect nothing from my preaching, even though I try to proclaim and to help other to understand the Word of God, yes, the same Word of God!
Today Jesus himself answers my question with a a parable. The fruit of the seed does not depend of the sower, rather on the ground that receives it. The ground can be free or with plenty of stones, thorns and weeds, or even level as a path way. Like the seed, the Word of God is. It can be sowed with great generosity, but if the hearts that listen to it are filled with other things, or if they are hard as cement, nothing changes, they remain the same, wont produce works of peace and of joy. The first heat that needs to be cleanse is mine. It can happen in my heart too, that a Word that reaches me from upon or from the depth of God's love, be suffocated, or easily forgotten. I cannot expect nothing from no one, neither from the one from whom the Words comes to me, nor from the Word itself. I need to take care of my heart, see that it is always free from stones and thorns, that is material peroccupation, vanity, ambitions, attachments to a passion: these are the realities that hold back the growth of my life according to the desires of the Father.
The cleansing of the heart costs pain. Even the apostle tells us so writing to the Romans. We are surrounded by creatures of God who suffer because they could'nt grow according to the purpose they were created to. Everything has been brought low because of sin: sin, is still present in the thoughts and actions of men, continues to ruin every enviorment. All things yearn for freedom, to be a manifestation of that love by which and for which they were made. Not only things, more human beings, conciously or unconciously, yearn to be carriers and revelators of the mystery of God, from where they come and to where they go. Who suffers, suffers because he was taken away from this way and from this aim. To suffer is the one who does not has no vision for his own life. Such lives superficially, distracted, looking always for new satisfactions without being ever satisfied. Many loose themselves in futile things, other see to enrich themselves, without knowing the reason, many throw themselves into profitable or entertainment activities to fill the emptiness at heart. This is how illnesses from emptiness grow, from lack of vision, meaning of one's life. Looking at this reality, we are to understand what a great gift the Lord gave us when he invited us to live for him, to give him glory, to fill our hearts with his love! What a gift to be instructed by his Word, so that we can come to know the reason why for our lives, and how to work with him.
Let us prepare our 'land' for the Lord to sow. Let us free our heart to welcome every Word that comes to us from Jesus, even more, for Jesus who is the same Word of the Father. He is not to be suppressed by anything, no preoccupation and no other interest for things that pass. When one welcomes him, his presence brings forth plenty of fruit, fruit of love, of freedom, of peace, of holiness, of life!
The one who welcomes Jesus brings forth fruit, plenty of fruit, even if I dont see it. I shall continue to preach, to proclaim and explain the Word of God: it is he who will gather the fruit in his warehouse, I am not to preoccupy myself!

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