01/11/2011 - ALL SAINTS
1Reading Rev 7,2-4.9-14 Psalm 23 2Reading 1Jn 3,1-3 Gospel Mt 5,1-12

"...We shall see him as he is. Anyone who has this hope in him, purifies himself, as he is pure".
The hope to see him, and to see him in reality! To see the Father is the desire of all the children, to see the one who loves us, the one who gave his life for us and blessed us, the one who is waiting for us to give his eternal life! To see is not only a question of opened eyes, but more of having the certitude of his presence, a certitude that is build on experience, of being aware that we were and still are loved. This is the joy of the saints: they have had and cultivated this desire to see the Father: that's why they have accepted the teachings of Jesus and trusted themselves to be led by the Holy Spirit, and so, more than having lived relying on the presence of God, they now enjoy a full communion with him. The desire and the hope to see our God gave them the strength and decision to purify themselves.
It is not possible to see God without a pure heart and mind: Jesus himself said it: "Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God". The saints were and are human beings like all the others, heirs of Adam. They too, like us, have inherited from Adam the selfish inclination that provokes temptations of pride, sensuality, power, ambition and human glory. They too, like us, had and have the need to be purified from these inclinations that are found within even if one does not look for them or want them.
How did the saints made it, and make it, to purify themselves? First and foremost they accept the fact that they need it. Humility helps us to be true. Often, we are attached to things that pass like houses, property, our abilities, and desires and projects. These then make us anxious and sometimes angry. Anxiety and anger are clear signs that our heart is not in heaven but on earth, not free from what passes and still tied up enough for what that continues in eternity. To purify ourselves we need to free our heart, that is our desires and our will from all attachments that create passions and idolatries. The things that pass are to put away from the place in us that belongs to God.
Purification is a long process. The saints have realised it. They don't thought for themselves and gave all their attention towards Jesus, the Son of God, "the way, the truth and the life": they kept him as Lord, as spouse, as pastor and custodian, were fed by him as daily bread, and their thirst quenched by living water. They searched and welcomed his forgiveness and his rest, have asked and obtained his help, not only to purify themselves from their ego, but also to put on a living and constant love for all, especially towards those who are in need of love. The saints who are before us are close to us as patrons, have ran the way that we are running: to overcome ourselves, giving ourselves to God, ready to answer his calls to help others. "They have washed their robes, making them white in the blood of the Lamb": without Jesus even the saints are nobody. Today we invoke them and we take them as an example to follow our Lord on the way of his love. So that they can help us, we place our desire and decision. If we do not decide to walk towards heaven, even today's feast is useless.
Let us cultivate the hope of seeing God, our Father, so that the word of Jesus, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall se God" is fulfilled!
Do we want to change our life? Do we want to change our society? Do we want it more just and good? Do we want to enjoy some consolation or to be of a consolation to others? Let us learn from the siants and like them desire heaven!

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