13/11/2011 - 33rd. Sunday in Ordinary Season - Year A

1Reading Prov 31,10-13.19-20.30-31 Psalm 127 2Reading 1Thes 5,1-6 Gospel Mt 25,14-30

The "strong woman" and the "good and faithful" servant are at the center of the Word that God today is giving us. The strong woman is not one with whom one meets every day, neither the good and faithful servant. The woman who does not loose time and thinks for her family and for the poor of God, gives joy not only to the husband, but is the pride of all the city. She is so because she "fears God" and is not carried away by vanity. Her presence and her vision is towards that which lasts. In the same way the servant who does not think for himself, but to love and to make happy his lord, gives not only joyh to his master, but also security and stability to all the house. Jesus speaks to the disciples. Refering to a man leaving on a journey, he prepares them for when he leaves this world. He shall leave, but will not be absent. The same disciples through their ministry, shall give to all the certainty of the mysterious presence and of the sure return of their Lord and Master.
Not all the disciples have the same capacity and therefore they wont have the same ministry. This is to be decided by their Lord. Instead they all shall have the same love for him, instructed not to live for themselves, but to rejoice in his coming. The one who receives 5 talents wont pride on the one who recieves two, and this one is not frustrated because he is not on the same level to him. Each and every one is to work according to his/her own capacity, but serve the same Lord.
The one who, on the other hand, does not love, even though he receives a capacity or something good to look after, hides everything. As soon as he becomes aware that the lord of the talents is generous with those around him, tries to defend his laziness. In this way he nurture his unworthiness. More than without love, he is not even humble. In his pride he even accusses the lord who trusted him with his talent: he accusses him of being harsh. We know that nothing such as pride makes one sad and down.
This parable is for his diciples. Jesus prepares them for his departure from this world. They are not to live indeferently, not even in disperation or delusion. They were to continue to live in love, with humility, and so receive from him love in abbundance. They were to live as if he was to be always with them, at their side. They were to live for him and not for themselves. He assures them about his return. He wont forget them and will come to appreciate their commitment more than they can think.
Of his return st. Paul writes to the Thessanlonians. The one who spends his life without commitment, indifferent as if nothing is happening, lazy, will be surprised by the One who shall ask him to report to him. Who closes himself in his ego saying: "peace and security", like the ones who lived in Noah's time, will find himself in trouble. Peace and security are not to be build on the richness of this world, on one's work or enjoyment. These they betray peace, which is found in being continously turned towards the Son of God, Jesus! The one who looks at him, this one is sure of himself in him, and is strong and wise like the woman who is not closed on herself, but is busy with her husband and the poor!

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