1.11.2003 All Saints

First Reading: Revelations 7, 2-4,9-14
Psalm 23
Second Reading: 1 John 3, 1-3
Gospel: Matthew 5, 1-12

Today we are invited to rejoice, because so many of our brothers in faith have reached the glory and light which God promises to those who accept His Only Son, Jesus Christ!
The first reading gives a glimpse of the joyous multitudes who follow the Lamb in the heavens. St John, in the second reading gives us the secret of true saintliness and in the gospel reading, Jesus himself shows us the way and the conditions which will lead us to become citizens of heaven.
Who are the ones standing before the throne of the Almighty singing in eternity the beauty and the joy of his love? Who are the ones who are waiting to share with us their glory and to teach us the song of eternity and the praises of the God of the Universe? "These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." The great tribulation is martyrdom, being put to death for the love of Jesus Christ, as witnesses that He is man's Saviour. Among the saints are not only martyrs in the strict meaning of the word, but all those who have been living witnesses for Jesus, ready to die for him. How many, in being faithful to the Lord, have faced incomprehension on behalf of relatives, friends, all of society! How many have put up with derision of their faith and exclusion because of the name of Jesus from their contempories, scorn from their colleagues, vexation from their husband or wife, public or hidden injustice from authorities or benefactors, from brothers or sisters or the law courts. Being faithful to Jesus is a reason for hatred from the enemy, Satan, who has already been overcome, but continues to beset the Church.
Within this suffering and tribulation we experience the great love of the Father who makes us aware that we are sons of God! We are already His sons, thanks to His love, even if we have difficulty in seeing our glory. This will be manifest when we are entirely purified and when our eyes have become accustomed to contemplating His Face! Then "we will be similar to Him"! Our similarity to Him has already begun and increases gradually as our gaze rests on the Son of God to enjoy his beauty and suffer with him the offence of being spat upon and being crowned with a crown of thorns.
With our gaze directed towards him, our desire increases to live his word, to make what he said part of our lives! Our way of life will make the wisdom of God within his words visible for our brothers and the world! Today we read a few of them, which summarise his message, from Matthew: "blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed are those who mourn, blessed are the meek, blessed are the pure in heart, blessed are the merciful, blessed are the peacemakers, blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake….!
We are always in search of beatitude. And here is where to find it, where no-one looks for it! True beatitude lies in the heart of Jesus, which is poor, pure and meek, merciful and afflicted because of our sins, persecuted in order to do his Father's will. We gather around him, we enter in his heart, we open ours to him and we are flooded with joy! "Look at Him and you will be radiant"! says a psalm and it is really true.
Today we participate in the beatitude of the saints who lived hidden in God's heart with Jesus! We participate in the beatitude of Jesus and the faithfulness of the saints, the fruit of his sacrifice. Living the joy of God we receive the strength to continue along our paths to saintliness, paths which are important for many of our brothers. They will be helped by our joy and decision to follow the Lord! Our lives too, will be a blessing of God for many.

"Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honour and power and might be to our God for ever and ever! Amen."

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