9.11.2003    Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Italy,

also Thanksgiving Day or Harvest Festival

First Reading:     I Kings 8, 22-23,27-30              

Psalm 94

Second Reading: I Peter 2, 4-9                           

Gospel:  John 4, 19-24


Today Christian communities in Italy give thanks to the Father for all His gifts, in particular the fruit of the earth, for the harvest.   This gratitude is typical of Christians who celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday or every day, as a thanksgiving to God for His paternity, for the Son whom He sent us and for the Holy Spirit which He poured out into us!

At the end of harvesting, it is right and good to gather together to give thanks also for the material things which sustain us and our families.   In some places the drought or floods may have diminished the harvest, but nonetheless, we give thanks.   Our Father knows why things happen that test our faith and patience.   We give thanks for He is our Father!   Giving thanks keeps our hearts open for those brothers who are not so privileged as regards the fruit of the earth and who suffer poverty, misery and hunger.   Praise to God, also because bread and wine, the fruit of the earth and of man’s work have been placed  on the altar and have become the body and blood of His Son, our nourishment and a sacrifice acceptable to God!

Today thanks, in particular is given by the Roman Church for the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome.   It is the Bishop of Rome’s cathedral and, therefore, considered the mother of all churches.   It is an occasion to give thanks for the Pope’s ministry and for the Church over which he presides, the first of all the Churches.    The festivities for the building, however, become a stimulus to reflect on the greater, more inner and spiritual reality of the building itself.  

Solomon’s prayer is an introduction to our meditation.   God is greater than the earth and the heavens:  how can He live in a temple built by Man?   And yet, He, Himself wanted a temple!   He brings Himself down to a place where men can meet Him, praise Him, show their respect, open their hearts to Him, ask Him for forgiveness.   God remains in heaven, but looks towards the place consacrated to Him to hear the prayers said there.   We know that some places are more suitable for prayers, for meditation and can help that ability to listen carefully to God, places where believers gather together to celebrate their faith and to grow in it.   They are important buildings, consacrated by God’s work within them, by His Word and those of His ministers, by the trusting prayers of His people!

However, of the buildings built by man, stone will not remain upon stone!   The true, indestructible temple of God, where we can meet our Father who speaks to us and who listens to us, who loves and saves us, is the person of Jesus!   He himself reminds us in today’s gospel reading.   The time of his coming is the time in which we will be able to adore the Father the way He wishes!   We can adore Him, that is, draw close to Him with trust, surrender ourselves to Him, let Him do with our lives what He will.   It is Jesus who knows the Father and will help us to know Him, if our relationship with him is genuine and fruitful.   Jesus says that the Father wants to be adored “in spirit and in truth”.  What can these words mean.   The etymological meaning of spirit is “breath” and of truth “in the light”.   The Father must be adored in the “breath”, that is, in all life, in every moment, in every action!   Our whole life must be oriented towards His love and towards Him.   He must be adored “in truth”, that is “in the light”:  life oriented by Him and towards Him!   We adore the Father in truth, because we know Him, thanks to Jesus, and we know His thoughts and His plans, His desires for comunion, His wish to see us united as true brothers!   His heart is “in the light” of our vision!

St Peter may then, indeed, describe the Church, the true Church, as a building made of believers united intimately in Jesus Christ!   He calls them the “living stones” which constitute the holy people of God for His glory and for the joy of men!   Come to Christ says St Peter!  This must be the fruit of the festivity and celebration today.   Close to Jesus, we will be the joy of God, we will be united as a true Church which spreads light and peace, gifts which are necessary for life in the world.