13/07/2003 - 15th. Sunday Ordinary Season - Year B 

First Reading


Second Reading


Amos 7,12-15


Ephesians 1,3-14

Mark 6,7-13

The proclamation of God’s Word starts with an unfortunate fact: the priest in the temple of God throws out the prophet. The prophet is the voice of God, and often speaks unwillingly, for he knows that the one who has some power, or live in its shade, cannot take the word he is to say. He who speaks in the name of God, often, needs to use strong words, that might touch the sensibility of the rich and the powerful. Infact, God takes heed of the sufferings of the people, and the people suffer because of injustices, oppressions, and the greedness of the powerful and the rich so that they can grow even more. The prophet Amos, therefore, since he is charged by God to speak, needed to stay away of the temple because the one who rules it is subject to the king and his ministers. But since he is accustomed to hard labour and poverty, doesn’t remain silent: he obeys God and keeps talking!

Like the true prophets Jesus sends the Twelve. He sends them "two by two"! According to the Bible, so that a word has value and is credible, is to have the witness of at least two men! And since they are to proclaim reciprocal love, they are in two so that they wont only talk but also can give the example!

Jesus puts them on the road poor, with no security. Their security is the Father’s love of which they are to have a blind faith! In such a way they are free to proclaim even that would make their listeners uncomfortable, free to go elsewhere if someone doesn’t accept their message.

They are prepared by Jesus in case in some place no one would accept the word of salvation! There they are to shake the dust from underneath their feet: those who don’t want the Gospel are to be held as pagans! The Jews didn’t want to spoil their holy land with pagan land, hence they use to shake the dust before entering back to their own land. Likewise the one who is sent because of the Gospel is not to have any thing to do with those who refuse his word, even not to betray him, as if such a refuse is irrelevant or indifferent.

The disciple, obedient to their Lord, proclaim the reign of God, asking their listeners to return to God, and helping all those who were sick and in pain the beauty and the joy of healing of the body and the soul as a result of the Father’s love for them, a sign that the reign of God is present amongst them!

St. Paul knew what it meant not to be a Christian. He knew the life of the Jews and the pagans, and came to see that freedom and the salvation are to know Jesus and his love! The Jews lived in constant fear of not being able to observe all the laws, all the rules passed on by the Scribes. The pagans were governed by superstions and witchcraft, terrorized by the sever look and vengeance of demanding, immoral, unscrupulous deity: almost a divinisation of human vices. Others, even though they believe in One God, keep Him distant, with no possibility to know Him or get closer to Him. Hence subject to themselves, or to rules imposed on them by someone who would say the he is sent by that God. Others were taken away by beliefs that echo panthesim, holding themselves as divine, therefore proud for they hold themselves as without sin. Without Someone to listen, to follow, to obey, they were also laking Someone whom they they trust in difficult times of sorrow.

The one and the other didn’t know a inner life, not even the possibility to trust the Father, his peace and security, forgiveness and wisdom, hope for the near future and for eternity!

What a joy to know our God and Father! Very grateful to Jesus who make know and love him, that gives us the Holy Spirit who assures us that we are truly his beloved children almost already "seated" next to him in heaven! As if the praise of the apostle couldn’t come to an end, such is the great benefit that we receive from the fact the we are called to know the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! We continue this praise with our lives, obedient to the Spirit who is poured in our hearts! Let us continue to put our trust in Jesus Christ who is the core, the heart of the world! We shall be happy and seren, and, with joy, witness God’s salvation for all! We are to be grateful to God for the apostles whom He sent to free us from ignorance and to reveal to us his mystery of love!

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