20/07/2003 16th. Sunday Ordinary Season - Year B 

First Reading


Second Reading


Jeremiah 23,1-6


Ephesians 2,13-18

Mark 6,30-34

Surely, its nice to see the tenderness of Jesus towards the Apostles when these return back from their first mission. He listens to what they had to say. Listen to what they did and their satisfactions. And then, seeing that they were tired, think of giving them some time to rest, a rest in which they can enjoy Him. He might have taught to have some time to teach them, to deepen his teachings already given to the crowds. Come away by yourselves to a lonely place, and rest a while". This invitation is still welcomed by many of the faithful and the priests, employed every day in the ministry of the Church, who would take a day every now and then, and then, every year a week in some lonely place where they are helped to stay with Jesus.

But Jesus had to change the programme. This happened because the crowds arrived before him on the other side of the lake. This is for Him an occasion to think the Scriptures. In them it is said more than once that the people are like sheep left alone by those who were supposed to shepherd them. When the sheep is left on their own, they are not able to stay together, they wont know where to go neither what to eat, nor what to drink, they would not know how to defend themselves from wolfs, and their life looses all aim! Today we read of Jeremiah who speaks in the name of God to reproach the authorities, the king and the priests, who think of themselves ignoring the necessities of the little ones, the poor and the suffering. God shows that his intention is to look for other shepherds who will lead with unselfish love the flock in his name. Among these, one in particular, from the branch of David who will reign as a true king, a true rappresentative of the loving authority of God!

We all know to this refers. Jesus knew it too. Seeing the crowds getting closer to him like the only one who can feed them, teach, bring together and protect, he himself thought to his presence as the the presence of the shepherd promised by God! And therefore he welcomes those who run to him, and begin to teach them. He gives them food for their spirits, then for their bodies!

First one needs a reason to live, then one eats with joy, not to satisfy a need, but to be at the service, at the disposition of God’s plan for one’s life! Hence Jesus think of the shepherd as him who feeds the spirit, and in a second moment think of material necessities. He himself lived poor and proclaimed that blessed are the poor.

Paul says, He is our peace! He made us friends with God! He brought us closer to God, thanks to his blood! Through his death he madeit possible that Jews and pagans find the way to arrive to the One God and infront of Him, as one people! The dying Jesus offers himself with love, replacing us in his sacrifice, he leads us as one flock to the Father!

We are to receive serenity, peace and security from today’s readings, for we know that the love of the Father and the attention of Jesus, the true shepherd, guide us.

Let us find the necessary time, alone or with other brethren, to stop and enjoy the Lord Jesus, listening attentively to his word, to receive his love for us, his will, and to be inspired by him.

The Responsorial Psalm, which we can learn by heart as a prayer for several occasions, help us to recall the images that today’s readings propose to us.

He makes me lie down in green pastures.

He leads me beside still waters,

he restores my soul.

He leads me in paths of righteousness

For his name’s sake.

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