15/06/2003 Trinity Sunday- Year B 

First Reading


Second Reading


Deuteronomy 4,32-34.39-40


Romans 8,14-17

Matthew 28,16-20

The Holy Spirit inspired the authority of the Church to establish a feast for the reflection and enjoyment of that special knowledge of God that He himself gives us. We are immersed in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit starting with our baptism, and every day we commemorate this truth with the sign of the cross in all the prayers, in the name of the three divine Persons: Why dedicate a proper Sunday for this Mystery?

I believe, that this annual occasion is the right one to meditate the being and the life of our God! Many Christians are so superficial and alienated that they believe whoever. It’s enough that someone speaks to them of "God", of peace or healing or any other sensional event, that they believe it all without realizing that they are being carried away from the secure and eternal truths of our Credo. As if they don’t even doubt that they might be even cheated. When someone proposes a God who is not a Father, a God who is not a Son, a God who is not a Spirit of love, a God wanting to fill our heart, so it means that we are being fooled. When our faith is not any more rooted in the Triune God, our interior life fails, the foundations of unity in our families are uprooted, the commitment for social aid, matured through a Christian spirit, looses its motivation.

Believing in Father-God make us able to love with inner freedom and with commitment. Believing in Son-God make us humble, seren, able to accept the sane and holy initiatives of other brothers and sisters and of whoever brings peace. Believing in the Holy Spirit give us that trust in ourselves that make us able to fulfill God’s work, be united and courageous to bring to the world, always and everywhere, that love that is needed. It is important to have a clear consience of who is our God, for it’s then that we can have a clear consience of who we are, of the significance of our existence, and what we are to do in the world.

When Jesus sent the apostles into the world, he clearly and decisively commanded them to baptize all the nations "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"! What did He mean? Certainly, we can never express all the deep significance that he intended to say, but we can understand that no one can have a fulfilled life if he or she is not immersed in that divine love who is God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!

Jesus did speak about the three Persons, of each and every one distinctively, and at the same time he made it clear that the three are so united to be one God, that God to whom the disciples are to be obedient and bring in their hearts!

The apostles didn’t use the word Trinity, for there was no need. The need to express with one word our faith in the three divine Persons came afterwards because of heresies. But they were able to communicate the faith in that Father whom Jesus made known to us, whom Jesus loved so much as to give up his life, that faith in the Spirit whom Jesus received from the Father in the Jordan and given back on the cross, that faith in Jesus, Son of God, giver of life and salvation with the forgiveness of sins. We have an example in the text from the Letter to the Romans proclaimed to us today. The Holy Spirit make us aware that we are sons and daughters of God, therefore trusting Him without any fear. In the Spirit we can turn to God and call Him Abba, Father! The Spirit give us a share in the sufferings and glory of the Son, make us one with God, holy, even so divine, immersed in his life, which is a circle of love!

Let us put on ourselves a higher awe expressed by Moses for the God who is there for his people! Let us welcome his conclusion: "Obey therefore his laws and commands": obedience to them is a fountain of life and peace, of glory and fullness, for they are commands fruit of love, they express love and lead us to receive and give love!

Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit! To the God who is, who was and who shall be. Halleluia!

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