20/04/2003 Easter Sunday - Year B 

First Reading


Second Reading


Acts10,34. 37-43


Colossians 3,1-4

Or 1Corinthians5,6-8

John 20,1-9

Or Luke 24,13-35

The Gospel speaks about the coming and going of the disciples to the empty tomb of Jesus! Mary of Magdala doesn’t wait for the first light of the day to go the place where her "Light" seem to has been extinguished. When she saw that the stone was roled away, she doesn’t stop to think, doesn’t try to remember the words said by the Lord, but immediately run to the one whom Jesus had chosen to be the first among the Twelve. She is sure that someone must have taken away the body of the Lord. We are not to be surprised: we would never think that the stone was roled away from the inside instead from the outside!

Peter and the other disciple ran to see. The evangelist, who probably is "the other disciple", tells us in details about this, of his respect to let Peter enter first into the tomb, and in particular about the exact position of the bandages.

The love of Mary and that of the two disciples is a great one. A love that is expressed in an act of faith "He saw and believed"!

We want to be together with the two who ran to Jesus, to be together with them in believing that He came out by Himself from the weak bandages that remained there without being touched by anybody!

To believe! Faith is the gift of this holy and joyful day! Of joyful faith speaks st. Peter when he announces these happenings, faith that brings us the forgiveness of sins and therefore the peace of heart and the experience of a totally new life!

Of faith and newness of life speaks st. Paul too, who exhorts us to bear fruit in our lives from the ressurection of Jesus! If He is risen, even us, who belong to Him, live upon new truths and assured hope for eternity! During our days, therefore, we are to turn our eyes over and above earthly things. In these we experience death, pain and fear, but Jesus is no more under the power of weakness, hence, looking upon Him and loving Him, we wont live any more in the anxiety and anguish of death. Thinking of "the things above" we shall live in hope and joy! Looking for the things above, we breath anew all the moments of our day and in all our relationships, that are not only of friendship, but also of eternal life!

Jesus is risen! Jesus lives! He overcame death! We belong to Him, baptized in the water that sprang out from His side, quenched by His blood shed for us, fed by His Body. We belong to Him, and hence infront of us, we don’t have death but the splendor of His light and Life Eternal.

Kneeling infront His tomb, like Mary Magdalen, we wont smell death, but only a smells of life, smells that fill our breath with joy and hope!

Lord Jesus, you are risen from death! Let us run, let us look, let us think, then come to us to make confirm us, to be the center of our unity. Remain with us and we remain with you, united around your altar, loving one another as you have taught us and gave us example!

Jesus, you are risen! Halleluiah!

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