27/04/2003 - 2nd. Sunday- Easter Season - Year B 

First Reading


Second Reading


Acts 4,32-35


1 John 5,1-6

John 20,19-31

In the old day the newly baptized used to wear even today the white garment received at their baptism during Easter Vigil. Because of this, this Sunday is called "in albis" (= in white garments)! The joy of baptism is to be expressed through out our life, filling every moment, making others ask themselves questions for the reason of our joy! For those who are not stubborn towards faith, receive the necessary signs to see the truth and the joy of the true faith!

Today’s readings speak of the true faith and it’s richness in bearing fruits.

Jesus, appearing to the Twelve, among whom there is also Thomas. This one didn’t want to share the joy of his friends for he didn’t want to accepts the cause of their joy. Why the, brought down and fearful, became joyful and full of hope? They had met with the Risen Lord! He greeted them with peace and gave them His forgiveness, and send them to carry out His mission breathing upon them His Spirit. Their joy witness to the truth of their story.

Thomas was stubborn and wanted to see and touch.

Eight days later, the first day after the Sabbath, here is Jesus again. As if He sees only Thomas. After the usual greeting, He turns to him and gives him what he pretended, with simply but firmly. Jesus makes him understand that he should have behaved differently: he should have been humble and should have trusted his companions. With this reproach and the following affirmation, the Lord encourages us not to follow too much our inclinations to pride and reason. Faith, to believe, is the attitude that makes our life full! Faith in the power of God and in the presence of the risen Jesus strengthen us and cherish us during our difficult times in life.

Our believing, though rooted in humility, is not without fundamental reasoning, is not simple faith! Our faith is rooted firmly upon real facts, not on imaginations or fantasies. The necessary facts to found our faith are written by eyewitnesses, who does not tell it by words, but also by their changed lives!

The First Reading speaks of a new reality born amongst those who believed: amongst them reigns a true fraternity, the love that creates familiar relationships. Who believe that Jesus is risen, knows truly to look for the things above, and make use of the ones down here, obeying the new commandment given by the Lord: "love one another as I have loved you"! Thus showing the beauty of life on earth!

The Second Reading continues to reveal faith as the victory that won the world, faith in the Lord Jesus! This faith is fruitful: it generates in us the love towards God and the true love to our neighbour, the love that witness that our new life is generated by the Living God! Love is the true victory on every form of egoism that reign in the world and kills life itself and joy, keeping people away from living in communion and in harmony.

True faith is built upon the risen Christ, from whom springs that deep love that we call forgiveness. Breathing the Holy Spirit upon the Twelve, Jesus pass on to them the most beautiful and necessary mission: embracing all with God’s mercy! Who recognize his sin, receives forgiveness. It is the mission the Church receives this Day from the her Lord, that keeps passing throught the ages. Who turns to one of the Twelve to renew his faith in Jesus and confess his sin, this one shall receive the power of His ressurection, and with joy shall witness to it!

Today is the day of faith in Jesus and the day of the Father’s mercy! The Father gave Jesus into the hands of sinners to have them back as sons. Jesus, raised from the dead, sends all over the world the ones who can pass on the forgiveness and the peace to those who believe in Him!

The Church continues to get together on the eight day, to renew the received mission, the joy, the peace, the forgiveness, the Holy Spirit! The eight day is the day in which continues the faith of the Church and of every single believer continues to be renewed and rivivied! Halleluia!

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