04/05/2003 3rd. Sunday. Easter Season - Year B 

First Reading


Second Reading


Acts 3,13-15. 17-19


1 John 2,1-5

Luke 24,35-48

Why did Jesus die and why was He raised up from the dead? This is not only a legitimate question, but also a right one! Today’s Word gives us the answer!

The Gospel text presents us with an appariation of Jesus amongst His own, startled and frightened. He needed to assure them that they were not having allucinations: because of this He ask to eat, and He ate before them! After reminding the Scriptures, finally He answers our question: He died and was risen so "that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in His name to all nations". This is in truth the real need of every single person and infact of the whole humanity.

When Adam refused God’s Word, he set himself away from God, and therefore lost his own happenness and fulfillness! The distance from God is sin!

Every person need to return, to convert and to be forgiven. We are continually tempted to distance ourselves from the Father, to live cut off, without no hope for the future, especially for the time after death. Jesus, resurrected from the dead, assurse us that God wants to forgive us, take us to be with Him, giving us the dignità of being His sons and daughters!

The apostles took to heart Jesus’ command and went out to proclaim with boldness, as Peter did to the crowd in awe for the healing of the crippled. He was not afraid to say: "You have killed the Author of Life…Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out"! Sins can be blotted out. Sin is, The separation from God; this sin can be blotted out. The one who accepts Jesus, as the One sent by God, accepts God’s gift, and the One who offers this gift, rejoices! The one who accepts Jesus is not far away anymore, but he is in the heart of the Father! Jesus died so that we are attracted by Him, and is risen to given the certainity that He is the One who comes from the Father. We, though we know that Jesus is risen, and love Him as the Living One, keep on looking at Him on the cross, and adore Him at His moment of death. Death and Ressurection are two aspects of the same mystery of our salvation!

Those who are baptized have experienced forgiveness: from being away from God, they entered into His life! The one who was baptized as a babe is not fully conscious of the changing that happennes at baptism as he started immediately to live a life of grace in an intimate relationship with the Father through Jesus.

Both the one who was baptized young and the one who was baptized as an adult, is tempted to behave like the rest in the world. We are tempted, like Peter, to hide amongst the enemies of Jesus and even look for their warmth! Sometimes, we too, willingly, want to forget that we belong to the Lord, not to be made fools or to enjoy the commodities and the pleasures of the world. This means that we come to know sin again, away from Jesus and hence separated from the Father.

What are we to do? The answer comes to us from John in today’s Second Reading: "If anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous". When realize that we have done a move that take us away from God, we are to turn again to Jesus. He is always the One in whose name conversion and forgiveness of sins is preached.

John encourages us not to sin though. We wont sin if we take to heart His commandments, if we obey His Word. It is not enough that we say "Now I’m baptized and I belong to Jesus Christ", it is necessary to live His Word, eitherwise this turn out to be a lie!

Lord Jesus, I look for your Word to live it so that my life turns out to be your work, shaped by You through your Holy Spirit that you give me! I shall be a witness to your ressurection!

Thankyou, Lord Jesus!

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