01/06/2003 Ascension of the Lord Year B 

First Reading


Second Reading


Acts 1,1-11


Ephesians 4,1-13


"I have not been yet to the Father; but go to my brothers and tell them: I’m going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God". Thus said Jesus to Mary Magdalene on Easter Morning! For forthy days He showed Himself to His disciples and made them know Him in view of the witness they were to give of His ressurection for all ages! Forthy days are enough to grow strong in experiences and convictions, to confirm the faith and secure hope. Finally, Jesus goes up to heaven! Thus the sensible experience of the disciples come to an end, and they start to live in a different way their communion with Him. As from today, they wont see Him anymore, but they keep on obeying Him, remembering His Word and calling back His teaching. They gather together in prayer, until, in ten days time, they received the Holy Spirit who shall enlighten them, keep them united and give the courage and the joy to witness their Lord!

We need to learn the meaning of the Ascension event and the expression "went to the Father". We need only to learn, not find, for it has already been found by the apostles who passed it on to us.

The Gospel according to Mark tells us simply: "was taken into heaven and is seated at the right hand side of God"! Jesus sits at the right hand side of God! To sit at the right hand side was an expression used to indicate the place of the one with whom kings or queens wanted to share the power and the glory; a place of highest honour. Jesus is confirmed judge and king. He is to give out His peace exercising His kingship in God’s kingdom. Thus the prophecy of Psalm 110 is fulfilled: "The Lord said to my lord: sit at my right hand"! The disciples know that at the end they will be judged by Jesus: they live in the obedience of His Word that turns out to be their sole law. The Law of Moses is for them too little, and the human laws, both those of monarchies or democratic, as those given by customs and cultures, are to be submitted to the judgement of their Lord!

St. Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, that is proclaimed to us today, shows how the unity of the Church, it’s gifts and the various necessary ministries spring out from the mystery of the Ascension. It is therefore necessary, that is, it is God’s will, that we change our ways as to be more humble, meek, patient. We are to be able to accept each other’s weaknesses: in each and everyone of us there is a bit of encrustation of sin that weighs on others! The Church will never be a community of perfect persons, but of persons that know how to love in a perfect way! We too are "the prisioners" of sin that Jesus ascending to heaven take with Him (Ps.68,19), and so we makes us already enjoy an intimate union with God and the beauty of a life full of His love and mercy!

The Book of Acts speaks too of a cloud in relationship with today’s mystery. This cloud hides Jesus from the eyes of His own! The cloud is a sign of God’s presence. The cloud that enfolds Jesus is the sign that now He is in God, one with the Father! The cloud hided from Moses God’s presence, but at the same time revealed to him the way to follow. The cloud scared the three disciples on Mount Sinai when Jesus changed infront of them. The cloud hides without canceling: hence Jesus can return on the cloud in all His glory! Thus announce the two men in white who disturb the apostles who were looking up high. They are now to look down on earth, and the persons on earth, with eyes full of the light of the ressurection, with a heart full of expectation of His return, with a mind on His Words to translate them in acts of love that reveal and witness His continous presence!

The liturgical prayers help us to express our joy for the glory of our Lord and for the dignity given to us to be part of His Body, and to desire the fullness of that joy that Jesus now enjoys on the right hand side of the Father!

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