8/06/2003 Pentecost Sunday - Year B 

First Reading


Second Reading


Acts 2,1-11


Galatians 5,16-25

John 15,26-27. 16,12-15

Today, the promise made by Jesus is fulfilled. He had promised His own that He would have sent the Spirit from the Father, the Spirit that would have brought a change in their lives and would have support them in their mission. During the Last Supper, as told by John, the Lord spoke often of the Holy Spirit, calling Him with different names: Counsellor, Advocate, Spirit of truth!

Jesus knew that without the Spirit, His disciples would not be able to carry on His mission and witness salvation.

The Counsellor shall come, the Spirit of truth: He, through them, shall give witness for Him, that is, shall prove that Jesus is truly what His name says, Saviour of humanity! This same Spirit shall help them to understand and to accept, not only the tough teaching of love that washes eachother’s feet, but also that uncomprehensive live that gives life accepting the cross.

The same Spirit shall pass on to the disciples of Jesus what He has received from the Father, so that they will carry on His mission amongst others. It shall be up to the Counsellor who will assist them in all circumstances; when they will be accused, when they will be tempted by their own weakness or violence infliceted upon them by others or circumstances. He shall defend them from within so that they wont sin and abbondon the faith or bring low love.

The Spirit shall guide them to the wholness of truth, that truth that some are not able to see for it is with God! He Himself is Spirit of truth: He makes the one who accept Him able to understand the truth, the true reality, that is, he shall see things and situations from God’s side! He is Spirit of truth for He makes the life of the disciple "truth", that is, a transparent life of love that is simple and strong at the same time, authentic and sweet, of God the Father and His Son Jesus!

Today’s feast is solemn and great! We celebrate The Holy Spirit in His descent upon the first community of disciples that was made Church, Body of Christ, people guided by the fire of love and the light of divine mysteries, and powerful enough to proclaim with courage to all peoples. It is the feast that replace the one the Jews used to celebrate to commemorate the giving of the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai, fifth days after Easter. Now the Church is guided by a inner and holy law, it’s authority is higher than that given to Moses! The new law is that of the Spirit of God that is stamped on our hearts and help us not only to avoid sin, but also to live the love of the living God! When the new law is lived, man becomes like God, able in communion, fraternity, joyous life, truly new!

In his Letter to the Galatians, st. Paul describes the work of the Spirit in the life of those who receive Him. First he speaks of those who live in egoism, closed on themselves, then with nine words, he explains the work of the Holy Spirit! Those who are open to the action of the Spirit of God in them receive: "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self – control"!

Today, we want to pray so that the reality described in the fruit of the Spirit shines, as it shined in the life of the Mother of Jesus, Mary! Then we find ourselves forming part of God’s Reign, and be a credible sign for those who do not believe.

Let us pray with joyful faith:

Come Holy Spirit, send us your light from above.

O blessed light, invade the hearts of your faithful.

Give to your faithful ones who trust in you, your holy gifts!

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