23/03/2003 3rd Sunday Lent Season - Year B 

First Reading


Second Reading


Exodus 20, 1-17


1 Corinthians 1, 22-25

John 2, 13-25

"The Law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul…the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes"!

With these words we are to answer to the proclamation of the commandments of God to Moses for His people. God gives us these commandments so that we can overcome the deceits by which we are seduced by our instincts and our reactions. If we obey them, our personal, familiar life, as well as that of the whole society, grows in harmony, order, and turn to be enriched with that peace that gladden the hearts.

For the one who obey these commandments, the heart shall be full of joy, the eyes remain wide open and full of light, the soul shall be stable and firm! We are not to pretend that all those around us obey the Ten Commandments. Let us be the first ones to live up to their standards for this is the will of God!

Let us build a relationship of trust with Him, not damaged by idols and magics, never the less by using His name for our interests! Let us consecrate for Him Sunday to fill it with His words and acts of love, and not with our pleasures! Let us cultivate relationships of love and respect in our family and in our society, for only God is " the Lord" of life! Sexual faculties have their own rules. The will serve us to love God and not for pleasures’ sake. Riches are not to occupy the heart, but will be regarded as means given to each for a better service in the world. Words are not to damage but to create communion with other who are loved by God! Let us keep distant all desires, both those of affection and of possession.

God’s commandments are really a richness, a light that accompanies us, a criterion that guides us in all our choices with regards to work, social relations, every day life!

Those who are to be baptized and those who want to live the commandments are to keep in mind and read with childlike love these words and discover in them all the implications at every moment, as we have learnt from Jesus Himself. He, entering the temple in Jerusalem, certainly remembered that "I am the Lord, your God…you are not to have other gods except me"! He saw that the temple, a place reserved to meet with the Father, was brought down to a market place, to serve the ambition and greedness of some that with their trades were giving the impression that with God one can trade! In such manner it was being promoted an image of a God who regards money, a God who looks favourably to the rich and his offerings than the poor with a humble heart!

Jesus could not accept nor resist such a lie. He wanted to obey and wanted to be obeyed the first of the commandments, foundation of all the others. With a strong move He intervenes to purify the holy places from the presence of animals and money.

His answer to the Jews that questioned Him, sounds more of a mystery. Even His disciples seemed to have not understand, until, enlightened from on high, they remember these words after His death and resurrection. "Destroy this temple and in three days I shall raise it up"! On the third day Jesus gave His own body a glorious life! Therefore the disciples understood that He was referring to His own person as the definitive temple: He is the place where one can meet God, His love, His Word, His Wisdom, the place where the true sacrifice that is acceptable by the Father, is celebrated! That was the temple the Jews had already decided to destroy! They thought that they have succeeded.

The believers, through grace from up high, have recognized that the Crucifix shows and gives the love of God! Jesus crucified attracts the heart of man who sincerely looks for God. Jesus crucified is the true wisdom of the Father, His real and deep love. For the one who is proud of a self wisdom Jesus crucified is foolishness. For the one who prides in self merits Jesus crucified is a scandal to believe the love of the Father. We get closer to Him with humility, with the same humility by which we accept and want to obey the commandments, such our live is enlightened and enforced and we become free from within, strong in trials, joyful in the awaiting to see the glorious Face of the Risen Lord!

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