17-19/04/2003 Paschal Triduum - Year B 

Holy Thursday

First Reading


Second Reading






Today we celebrate the joy of the whole Church for the institution of the Priesthood of the New Covenant and the Eucharist. Jesus gives us His Body and His Blood. He gives them to us as our food and drink, an inheritance of His Heart. He gives them to us for ever. He gives them to us as a sign to commemorate amongst us, in such a way that His presence, His love, and His Word are always present and true!

It seems that love is the greatest reality to Him. And today He shows us exactly how our love should be, that love that keeps the community united, a Church. It’s the love that serves, the love that is not afraid from the dirty foot of the other, does not condemn the other for his or her needs, but bows down and wash and wipe it!

Jesus wants not only that we do it to others, but that we let others do it to us with humily and peace! It is when we let others serve us that our unity grows! When we live this unity, therefore we can celebrate His eternal and real love, that love that give Body and Blood, that love that makes us joyful servants of others.

We thank Jesus also for the priest that presides the celebration. Today, the fact that there are the presbyters amongst us, is another gift given to us by the Lord! Not only the presbyters say thankyou, but the whole church! Jesus, we love you! We want to show you our love by loving and serving on another! We eat your Body to have the joy and the power to wash the feet of our brothers and sisters! We eat your Body to become part of you, totally yours, ready to give our life! Glory to you!

Good Friday

First Reading


Second Reading


Isaiah 52,13-53,12


Hebrews4,14-16; 5,7-9

John 18,1-19,42

Today the prophet Isaiah presents to us the sufferings of the Servant of Jahweh and the fruit of His death for sinners. Even the Letter to the Hebrews underlines the same message: "Christ...became the cause of eternal salvation to all those that obey Him!"

The Passion reading according to John presents us with Peter who cuts the right ear of a rappresentative of the high priest whose name is Malcus, meaning king!. The right ear is the spot touched with the blood of the sacrifice during the priestly consecration. Now the people has not high priest and has no more royality. Jesus is the true High Priest that offers Himself. He is the true King that represents the authority of God, as said by Pilate. Jesus went out to offer Himself when they went to look for Him in the garden! Today, our love for Jesus grows, a love that we offer Him taking with us, in our house, His Mother, standing at the cross!

Easter Vigil

First Reading


Second Reading


Gn 1,1-2,2; 22,1-18; Es 14,15-15,1;

Is 54,5-14; Is 55,1-11;

Bar 3,9-15.32-4,4; Ez 36,16-28


Romans 6,3-11

Mark 16,1-7

opp. Lk. 24,13-35

Easter Vigil offer us with several signs and readings to help us understand the glory and the greatness of the mystery! Fire, candles, water, sounds, hymns, flowers, all to celebrate the joy of finding the tomb empty! Readings of Creation and History of the people to help us understand that all was made and lived to arrive to this night! Even the sins of faithfulness of men turn out to be a hymn of praise this night: it’s because of sin that the Saviour is here, dead and risen! "Do not fear! You who look for Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified. He is risen! He is not here!"

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