22/12/2002 – 4th Advent Season - Year B / www.cinquepani.it

First Reading


Second Reading


2 Samuel 7, 1-5. 8-12. 14. 16


Romans 16, 25-27

Luke 1, 26-38

"The Holy Spirit shall come upon you"! With these words the angel answers Mary, worried because of what she was being invited to, so that the promises could be fulfilled! Who knows what a relief it was for the holy Virgin, a young girl, but mature enough to offer her life to God! The Holy Spirit! It is Him who intervenes in the life of those who offer themselves to do the Word of the Father! The Holy Spirit, in a way mysterious to us, shall make sure that Mary has a Son, holy and…called Son of God!

Mary shall has a Son that comes from above, of no human will or capacity, and even though he is to be born of a woman, shall be Son of God, full of the divinity! It’s difficult to understand and easy to misunderstand! We understand this mystery with joy knowing that God is love! With this knowledge it should not be difficult to give to a man the name and the honour and the obedience that are only due to God! Mary accepts and offer herself "Be it done to me according to your word"! Thus Mary began to wait for the Messiah of her people in a new way. First she was was for Him thinking that He was about to come who knows from where, and that she would have never meet Him, as someone who would have been interested in Her only in an indirect way! Now Her awaiting is completely different: only she knows, only she is committed, only she is involved!

Mary’s awaiting is in silence, with a deep and perfect joy, a joy that comes from the fact that she was in communion with God, a joy that give the power to overcome every adversity!

In the nearness of the Christmas celebration, the Liturgy presents us the Virgin Mary in an attitude of awaiting, so that we too learn how to be part of this awaiting of his love!

Mary awaits the Child. She awaits loving him, and she loves him living for him and offer herself for him!

We put ourself in an attitude of awaiting not a feast, but of a Child who comes to this noisy and dark world to enlighten it and move it to silence. Even from our hearts comes out the praise that came out from the mouth of the apostle:"…only to God who is wise, through Jesus Christ, the glory for ever and ever. Amen"! Let us sing without end, as invited to do by the Psalm.

The promised covenant to his people is fulfilled, the throne of the king is for ever, for the king who is to come reign in love and fidelity! Thanks to him we could say to God: You are my father!

God had to wait for many centuries, more than we wait, to fulfill his promise! David lived many centuries before. He was a shepherd when God looked at him. God didn’t look at anything in particular in him to choose him, on the contrary, He choose him because he was the youngest among his brothers, so that it would not be the pride of man, but the love of God that choose him. David wanted to built a fixed place for God, a temple! This was the occasion that God picked up to show him how small he was and to remind him that he would have been no one if God didn’t called him. God himself shall build a strong house for David assuring him of a descendency and stability for his reign. Unfortunately, later on, the reign was divided in two and even disappeared! Does this mean that God lied? Can we have any doubts about Him?

Here are the same promises said by Gabriel to Mary! Hidden in Nazareth she starts to live for that king who is to come and with that "Son of God" who was announced to her, without knowing more than the angel had rivealed only to her. Her awaiting is full of the gift of herself, of that time and energies. The Holy Spirit starts to overshadow her to make out of her a gift, a gift of God for the Son, and a gift of God for all of us!

I want to join her in her awaiting, or better, to give my life for her Son and put myself at his service, so that in his Reign, when he comes, there shall be already someone to serve him! And it doesn’t matter if I have to be the only one to know or to be involved and committed!