12/01/2003 Baptism of the Lord – Christmas Season - Year B

First Reading


Second Reading


Isaiah 55, 1-11

Isaiah 12, 1-6

1John 5, 1-9

Mark 1, 7-11

We still breath the spirit of Christmas, of the manifestation of God through Jesus, His Son. This is put before us today by John the Baptist and the Voice from Above. The Baptist points Him out as "mightier". Therefore we put ourselves under His protection to enjoy His "strength"! John even declares himself to be unworthy to bow down before Him and undo His sandals: unworthy to be His slave! With this John declares to be unworthy, and therefore of not wanting to put himself in place as "the groom "of the people.

Often, the prophets have given to the people of Israel the title of "bride" of God "Groom", to show the great love with which this people is accompanied! According to a Hebrew tradition, if a woman remain a widow without children, the next of kin is to take her as his wife. If not, the one who takes his place is to bow down and undo the sandals of the one who renounced his duty. John declares himself to be unworthy of this right for Jesus cannot be replaced in His role as "Groom". No one is able to give to the people that exclusive and faithful of God if not Jesus! It’s a was to say the Godhead of the Lord!

John shows Jesus as the One who baptize with the Holy Spirit! He shall bring a novelty in the life of those who obey Him: He want immerse them only in water, but in the Spirit of God! With Him therefore starts new times, a new opportunity for all. But first it’s Jesus who comes to John to be baptized. He goes with the others making out of Himself one like the many sinners who run, bend down under the hand of the one who came before Him, as if burdened with sins. In fact He is burndened with sins. On Him weigh all our sins. He, making Himself one with sinners, putted on Himself their faults to give them to the Father and ransom with His blood "the iniquity of all of us", as said by the prophet.

The Father accepts the perfect love of Jesus. A greater love than this for all cannot be! The love Jesus has for us sinners, is a divine love, a love that knows how to love the ungrateful person at the same moment of his ungratefulness! The Father accepts it and consacrate and declares Jesus His Son! This happens while the skies open, they open for now the divine love is on earth, entered human history! There is no more separation between the dwelling place of God and that of men. The possibility of seeing and meeting with God is not closed anymore!

From the open skies come down the dove: it’s the Spirit of God that reaches His nest on earth. Jesus is the place where we find the Spirit of the Father, the Holy Spirit! The person of Jesus is where grace, peace, love and God’s beauty are hidden and manifested at the same time! On Him the Spirit! And for Him a voice that repeats what is said in the psalms, in Moses and the prophets: "You are my Son". It’s the second psalm, written for Jesus! He is truly the Son of God, on whom He pours all His love! "Beloved" is the word that echos the love of Abram for Isaach, who was to offer him. "with Him I am well pleased" is the word that the prophet Isaiah uses describing the love of God for His servant, the one who was to fulfill His love for humanity carring upon himself their iniquity!

The voice from above says who is that Jesus that comes out of the water and what shall be His mission in the world. Knowing Him and believing Him is the most important thing, the victory over the world, enemy of man. This is what John, in his first letter, is saying. He tells us that Jesus enjoys a triple witness: "the Spirit, water and blood, and these three agree."

The Spirit of God came down upon Him to reveal Him to us, water of Baptism makes us members of His Body, the blood, our same life, is made perfect and realized when it participates to His offering, His sacrificial love on the cross.

With charming images the prophet Isaiah makes us want to be close to the Lord, united with Him, even though the distance between man and God is like the one between heaven and earth! But His Word can fill every separation and fulfills our desire, which is that same one of God.