16/02/2003 6th. Sunday Ordinary Season - Year B / www.cinquepani.it

First Reading


Second Reading


Leviticus 13, 1-2. 45-46


1 Corinthians 10, 31 – 11, 1

Mark 1, 40-45





In todays’ Second Reading, st. Paul writes a very simply exhortation to the Corinthians. “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God”. Other times the apostle exhorts such an attitude from his listeners. The little things, all that we do, simply because we have to or its normal, the daily cores, are all done within the Reign of God. We are the ones to do them, we are sons and daughters of God, we are the members of the Body of Christ. They are acts done by us who know that we are loved by the Father, having Jesus in our hearts, sanctified by the Spirit of the Lord. Hence they are holy actions, and manifest the holiness in God. We cannot perform them like the rest.

All for the glory of God!.I started to understand this exhortation when I found myself in an Islamic city. Those were looking at me, were watching to see how a Christian walks, how a Christian greets others, how a Christians speaks, how a Christians eats, how a Christian smiles. I understood how important is my behavior in little things: I represents the God of the Christians, through me Jesus shows Himself, right or wrong! Jesus can speak or make Himself known and make known some aspect of the Father’s face through the way I was doing little things. I didn’t have the opportunity to do great things, it was not necessary.

Returned into a “Christians” country, I understood that things don’t change! Christians that live next to me can be helped, either stopped or hit negatively by my way of doing things. Those who live close to me can be of an example for me or can receive an example from me.

I have to excerise always to discern my actions in a spiritual manner. What I do helps my brother, the neighbour, to follow Jesus? Does it help him to obey Jesus? Does it help him to see something of the Father’s love? My way of living and behaviour, communicates something of the love and mercy of God?

All for the glory of God! If I have to keep present this “rule” at every moment, my life would not be of any scandal to no body! I would not speak ill of my brothers and sisters, I would not speak ill of the Church, neither of the priests or bishops, would not give in to the temptation of arguing, of accusing, of condemning, of writing complains on newspaper on my brothers and sisters in the Faith! Surely, God’s glory is not supported by these things. If I want that Jesus is accepted by men, my goodness, my joy, my forgiveness are necessary! I belong to Him. I carry His name written in my heart. I form part of His family.

All for the glory of God! With humility and patience, with meekness and serenity.

Jesus can make this…”miracle”! Yes, it’s a great miracle, a true healing of my life if I look for the glory of God! The hidden tendencies from which flow my reactions, show my selfishness and pride, want to show myself and be regarded. Here is a need of a deep healing of my heart so that I become meek and humble, generous, pure, not touchy, charitable, joyful. I kneel down before Jesus and tell him “If you want, you can heal me”. I you want that I give glory to God, that in my life, a little of your great love and fatherhood be manifested, heal me, Lord Jesus! You think Jesus doesn’t listen? He cares to see that God is given glory! He came amongst us to glorify the Father, and therefore wants to heal man’s heart so that this one be the Father’s glory!

Like a lepper, according to the law of the Old Testament, I would be comdemned to cry out all day long: “unclean, unclean”, and my life would be…a danger for all, if Jesus doent listen to me!

I shall try to be obedient to Jesus, a bit more than the lepper. I shall not say a word to anybody that I met Jesus, but by my behavior I shall oblige all to ask me how come my reactions are not those of before. Therefore I shall say the name of my Lord, the name of Jesus: He shall receive the glory of my life!