01/01/2009 - Mary, The Mother of God
Ist. Reading Num 6,22-27 Psalm 66 IInd. Reading Gal 4, Gospel Lk 2,16-21

On the occasion of the beginning of a new year, we pray for the light and the strength to receive it as a gift from the Father and live it with the responsibility of who wants to give it back to him full of love, and make out of it a living offering to God. We don't know whether we arrive to finish this year, we don't know anything of how it will be and what will pass: we trust God who gives it to us so that we can work it out with him. Let's not guess: we are not pagans who turn to esoteric persons, palm readers, mediums, to be told the lies of the evil one. We are to keep away from such a grave sin. We are sure that God's gift is God's gift: it's a blessing, a responsibility, a joy for us and for all those whom we bless with our love.
The First Reading echoes the words with which God blesses his people through the voice and the extended hands of Aaron. We would receive the same blessing in this celebration. God wants to accompany us with his light and his strength, and hence we go and meet the newness of a whole year with trust and joy, because God's presence with us is sure and it is peace: "God is with us" is one of the names given by the prophets to the infant born of Mary: his name, given to him on the eight day, assures us of God's salvation, that salvation of which we are sure because God is with us. He is with us in an unthinkable way through the infant that Mary held in her arms.
The Gospel Reading shows us the attitude of Mother Mary. We see her silent. She is full of silence because of what has been said about her Son. Those who speak of him are simple and poor people, ignorant and less considered: Mary, even though she herself is not noticed by anyone, does not think about these things. She knows that God can speak in many ways, and that he prefers the humble way, since he preferred her from all the women of Israel. From wherever comes, the Word of God is to be treasured. Every Word of God is speaking about her infant, the God with us. And she is his mother, Mother of God! Today, the Church celebrates this name given to Mary, a name given to her by the faithful and the bishops gathered during the Council of Ephesus (431). Saying that she is Mother of God, we are saying that Jesus is not only a child like the others, but an infant that carries in himself "the fullness of the divinity''as the apostle Paul had to say.
We start the New Year celebrating the mother: given that she is mother of God, we feel that she is also our mother! With joy we feel that her love, really great, because directed to God, is also upon us who are created by God, and as from today her children. This is the message that comes to us from the apostle and that assures us that we are loved by that God whom Jesus himself called Father, and taught us to do the same. And, if we are able to do that, it is a sign that this is true. We are considered as children of God. It is a joy that becomes the reason why we are to consider as brothers and sisters everyone, even those who treat us as enemies. We are brothers and sisters to our enemies: this is the foundation and the condition of peace in the world.
Today, the Christian world prays also for the great gift of peace for all peoples who thirst for peace but are not able to have it and protect it. Jesus is the secret of peace! Jesus is the one who taught us not to hurt anyone, neither to feel hurt, because he revealed to us that we are sons and daughters of God, hence we are all brothers and sisters, and we are to work for the good of all and don't think only of ourselves.
Let us find refuge under the maternal mantel of Mary, to be brought by her close to Jesus, enjoying his peace and presence, and being this new year with a great thrust and hope, so that every day, accompanied by Jesus and protected by the Father, our lives become a blessing for the many persons we would me

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