8.08.2004 19th Sunday Ordinary Season - Year C
First Reading: Wisdom 18, 6-9 Psalm 32
Second Reading: Hebrews 11, 1-2, 8-19 Gospel Reading Luke 12, 32-48
Today's reading continues to draw our attention to what we were considering
last Sunday. We are here only temporarily on earth on our journey to a permanent
home! He who loves us is waiting for us beyond the confines of this world!
The book of Wisdom focuses on God's care for His people: He gave them signs
to guide them on their "unknown journey" and protected them from those
dangers against which man alone cannot defend himself. The saints, those who
belong to God, in order to follow His signs, gave themselves a rule of communion
for every situation, communion based on the praise of God!
The Church is described on this poetic page: she is the people facing the unknown
journey in the history - at times very difficult - of this world; she undertakes
the journey with great trust and joy: she knows she is guided by God and is
of help to all the people of the earth! The rules of the journey she is given
by Jesus who offers them with confidence and trust!
Jesus' advice to his disciples is intended to help us live in the Kingdom which
our Father gave to us! Our Father is always a Father and we should, therefore,
behave in such a way as not to reduce Him to being a master or even a servant.
Total trust is necessary. This can grow in us gradually as we remove those things,
riches and other treasures which normally occupy our hearts. Jesus, therefore,
advises us to do the opposite of what we would usually do. He advises us to
sell our belongings, to be generous, to give away everything. We will no longer
be obsessed with defending our money and property, nor on how to make profit
from it. Our hearts will be free to love, to be constructive in our relationships,
which will satisfy our deepest hunger and will make us instruments of joy and
serenity for others. "For where your heart is there will be your treasure
Jesus is not always with his disciples, he will go to commit his greatest act
of love, to give life, in other words "to the wedding". But then he
will come back and he will not forget his servants! In his parables Jesus talks
of himself in order to help his disciples grow in their relationship with him
and to live it in profound love. He is not a normal master. When he returns
he will notice how his servants behave, he will realise if they have been expecting
him or not. He will know whether they love him, whether they have been faithful,
if they have kept their relationship with him alive during his absence. That
love of his disciples will not escape him, that love which will have become
service to others. To reward them he himself will become their servant: "He
will dress them and serve them at table"!
Perseverance, faithfulness, vigilance: these are the attitudes that characterise
love as true and concrete, and life as precious and a blessing. They are inherent
in Abraham's faith, which is given as an example in the letter to the Hebrews.
"He looked forward to the city which has foundations whose builder and
maker is God". We learn from him to live in expectancy of the kingdom of
God, keeping our eyes towards it and within it, at the centre, on our Lord Jesus!
Living in expectancy of the return of the Lord does not mean standing idle,
or in prayer only, nor does it mean being afraid. I remember the joy of a man
who knew he did not have long to live, perhaps eight or ten days. He asked me
how he should spend them. I answered: "Blessed is that servant whom the
master finds at work when he comes"! He could not stop thanking me for
The work of Jesus' disciples is always service, that service born of love and
listening to his Word. The work of the Lords' disciples, even when it is exhausting,
even when it is a cross, is always a source of life, of joy, of freedom. During
every kind of work Jesus' disciples are aware of their love for the Lord, for
they know that he loves them. He is at the wedding, he is giving life to his
bride, the Church, and so they too wish to participate in his love, offering
themselves, serving their brothers with joy there where the Church is in need
for her mission in the world!