1.7 Tues 13th OT (Simeon Salus) Save us Lord! We are sinking! Matt 8,25 Sometimes we feel there is no way out of a situation. Is the Lord asleep? He is always there and if some testing is permitted, he is ready to help us. Jesus never abandons us, but wants our faith in him to grow: I trust in you, Lord! 2.7 Wed 13th OT (Processus and Martinian) Seek good and not evil, that you may live. Amos 5,14 The prophet Amos noticed a certain decadence in the customs of the people, a sign of falling off in their worship of God. The judges were corrupt. The people offered sacrifices and celebrated rituals in the temple, but on returning home they preferred the easier gods of the neighbours. True conversion was needed, just as it is today! 3.7 Thurs 13th OT (Thomas) Thomas said, "My Lord and my God!" John 20, 28 Thomas was not able to overcome his doubts either by listening to his friends or by seeing how much they had changed. But in face of the crucifix even he can only exclaim with us in all humility, "my Lord and my God"! 4.7 Fri 13th OT (Elizabeth of Portugal) I require mercy not sacrifice! Matt 9,13 Paul's words echo these: he says that even if I give away all I have to the poor but don't have love in my heart, it would be of no value to the Lord. Neither did all the animal sacrifices of the Pharisees have any value for in their behaviour they showed no mercy to others!
New wine in new wine skins. Matt 9,17 New wine in new wine skins can be a new decision taken out of love for Jesus. I can decide to participate in mass tomorrow not as an obligation, but to meet Jesus. I can spend time helping someone, not to earn credit for a good deed, but to thank the Father for the love that he continually shows me. I can add half a page of a gospel reading to my daily prayers out of love for my Lord! 6.7 Sun 14th OT (Godelva) Learn from me for I am gentle and humble-hearted. Matt 11,29 Only Jesus can honestly say this. His heart is unique, like the Fathers, the only one with no trace of pride or egoism. We, on the other hand, suffer the heavy consequences of our desires, envy, tension, jealousy If we learn from Jesus we will be freed and feel great relief. 7.7 Mon 14th OT (Ethelburga) I shall betroth you to myself forever. Hos 2,19 God is talking to his people and promises them a new covenant by means of his Messiah. The covenant in the Holy Spirit that Jesus spreads from the cross after offering his life. With the Holy Spirit in our hearts we turn to God as people who feel they are loved and who wish to love God in freedom, trust and confidence like a bride who looks at her bridegroom!
Jesus went round teaching and proclaiming the good news and curing every kind of illness and infirmity. Matt 9,35 Jesus is the best of teachers. He gives us the wisdom and the mercy of God the Father. He cures wounds of all kinds and renews our lives. Thank you, Lord Jesus. I trust in you! 9.7 Wed 14th OT (Veronica Giuliani) It is time to seek the Lord! Hos 10,12 For many people this time of the year means holiday time. For Christians it is a precious time to regain a little strength both in body and in our relationship with the Lord. I am grateful that Jesus planted within me the seed of desire to find him. I am grateful that his presence and wisdom have filled my days. I am grateful that I am ever desirous of seeking him!
Take no gold, silver or copper in your belts. Matt 10,9 Jesus give this advice to the twelve who have just been chosen to go and proclaim his word just as heralds were sent out by their king. He tells them not to worry about food or clothing. They are "labourers" in the Lord's vineyard and the Lord himself will provide. The word they proclaim is the true wealth and was to be announced in poverty. 11.7 Fri 14th OT (Benedict) I am the vine, you are the branches! John 15,5 St Benedict recommended that nothing should come before
the love of Christ Jesus. He gave him his life and founded many monasteries
thereby spreading his light and love in all of Europe. 12.7 Sat 14th OT (Veronica) Do not fear those that kill the body. Matt 10,28 Sometimes I am afraid of people either because I think they have expectations of me or because I am afraid of making a fool of myself. To remember these words of Jesus helps me in my parochial work.
To you it has been granted to know the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven. Matt 13,11 Jesus says this to his disciples, who have committed themselves
to loving him and following him. 14.7 Mon 15th OT (Camillus de Lellis) No one is worthy of me who cares more for his mother or father. Matt 10,37 Jesus does not wish us to stop loving our parents, but for us to love them according to his word; only then can our love be sincere and we will be able to give more than is expected of us even though this might differ from human expectations. 15.7 Tues 15th OT (Bonaventure) Jesus denounced the towns for their impenitence. Matt 11,20 The more Jesus shows us his goodness the more he expects that our hearts are converted or in other words that we offer him our lives with gratitude and love! I trust in you: you will help me in my path to conversion, Lord Jesus! 16.7 Wed 15th OT (Mary Magdalen Postel) Everything is entrusted to me by my Father. Matt 11,27 Why did the Father entrust everything to Jesus? Because he knew he could trust him because he is obedient with a love which has no limits. What is this "everything"? The Father gave Jesus all his love and, therefore, the ability to reveal it to us. 17.7 Thurs 15th OT (Alexis) Lord, you will bestow prosperity upon us. Isa 26,12 These words of hope help us in our families, parishes, diocese
and all Churches to believe in the mercy of the father and in his words
of wisdom! Thank you, Jesus, for interceding for us! 18.7 Fri 15th OT (Pambo) Jesus was going through the cornfields on the Sabbath. Matt 12,1 Jesus helps us to live in the sight of God who loves us like a Father. He teaches us to live as children every day and to live Sunday as a day of joy, a day dedicated to the appreciation and transmission of his love and his mercy in freedom and wisdom
Many followed him and he healed all who were ill. Matt 12,15 No one who trusts Jesus and follows him is disappointed! They might not have been healed from some physical disease, but for certain many infirmities and wounds of soul and spirit are healed. Perhaps you too have a burden; decide today to follow Jesus; you will not be disappointed!
The sower of the good seed is the Son of Man. Matt 13,37 In this parable Jesus reveals himself as the Son of Man. He is the Messiah who sows the seed of God's word. From this "seed" will grow the children of the kingdom who will fill the Father's granaries. What joy: I am one of them! 21.7 Mon 16th OT (Lawrence of Brindisi) It is a wicked, Godless generation that asks for a sign. Matt 12,39 Reading the gospel carefully with the help of the Holy Spirit we can see that Jesus is God, the son of the Father. No other miracles are necessary. The most beautiful sign is the love with which Jesus heals us! Let us be at his disposition, like Mary, in total trust: He will show us his love day by day. 22.7 Tues 16th OT (Mary Magdalen) Why are you weeping? Who are you looking for? John 20,15 Are you crying because you don't feel loved? There is a Father who loves you more than you can imagine. Are you crying because you feel you have wasted your life? Place it in the hands of Jesus and he will recuperate it! Are you crying because of your sins? You have a Saviour who is by your side! Are you crying because you don't think you love God as he deserves? You will never be able to; be joyful that his love is free! Jesus is the answer to your crying: look for him!
You are light for all the world! Matt 5.14 Jesus who sees our poverty more than we do ourselves says: "you are light for all the world"! If we are light for the world it is not our merit, but rather because Jesus is with us and in us, despite everything, like a flame that shines on a dirty candle. Jesus, let all my words, gestures and attitudes show something of you, the light of the world.
Happy are your ears because they hear! Matt 13,16 For many years I listened to the Word of God during mass and other celebrations without understanding the meaning. However, when Jesus planted in me the desire to put it into practise, things changed.
Whoever wants to be great must be your servant! Matt 20,26 Thank you, Jesus, for showing us how to live in the Holy Spirit as servants, like all the Saints. Thank you for bringing peace and joy into the world! May our lives be a glory to you and the Father! 26.7 Sat 16th OT (Joachim and Ann, Mary's parents) Amend your ways and your deeds! Jer 7,3 It is not enough to be part of the Church or to go to mass, it is not enough to say you are a Christian to have communion with the Father. Our lives must contain and express his love! For this I trust in the help of the Holy Spirit! 27. 7 Sun 17th OT Year A (Pantaleon) He is like a householder who can produce from his store things new and old! Matt 13,52 Jesus changes our lives and improves the baggage of experience and knowledge we carry with us. This happened to the young Moslem who, after meeting with Jesus, was able to give up his search for God and enjoy what was good in his religious tradition.
This wicked people who refuse to listen to my words will become like this loincloth! Jer 13.10 Jeremiah's loincloth had rotted because it had been hidden and not used for some time. Shall we leave the word of God unused and left in some corner? We would become quite useless! Help me to learn from your lessons which teach salvation and make my life a treasure! 29.7 Tues 17th OT (Martha) The gospel in which we remember Martha today shows no contradiction between the so-called contemplative and active lives. All that is necessary is to "listen" to Jesus and then to "do" what he says: these are two sides of the same coin, two aspects of Christian life.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. Matt 13,45 I have searched so hard for light and peace in my life! I found a little in a good book or in a good friend , but only in You, Jesus, have I found them in abundance and have been able to have my fill! 31.7 Thurs 17th OT (Ignatius of Loyola) You are clay in my hands. Jer 18,6 Who knows what a wonderful vase of great worth you could make of me, Father, if I would let you ! Lord Jesus, make me docile to the action of your Spirit.