1.12 Mon 1st AT (Eligius)
Isa 2,1-5; Psalm 121; Matt 8,5-11
I will come and cure him! Matt 8,5-11
Every time Jesus comes, or rather every time we permit him to come and be part of our existence, he brings healing with him: inner healing, healing of our relationship with God, with things, with people, with ourselves, with the past, present and future. Jesus is always willing to come: let us call him!
2.12 Tues 1st AT (Viviana)
Isa 11,1-10; Psalm 72; Luke 10,21-2
With justice he will judge the poor. Isa 11,4
I am grateful to Jesus for his Church which received me and embraced me in my poverty with love. She learned from Jesus or, rather, she lives in Jesus with his fair and fatherly love that seeks to compensate for the lack of the poor, of the little ones. I too, will try and do the same.
3,12 Wed 1st AT (Francis Xavier)
Isa 25,6-10; Psalm 23; Matt 15,29-37
My heart goes out to these people. Matt 15,32
Jesus says this of the crowd who follow him day after day with their burden of human suffering. "My heart goes out to these people". Jesus is the incarnation of the Father's compassion for humanity, that walks amongst men, as prophesied by Isaiah, to eliminate death, to dry every tear, to prepare a banquette of joy for all peoples.
4,12 Thurs 1st AT (Barbara)
Isa 26,1-6; Psalm 118; Matt 7,21,24-27
Trust in the Lord forever. Isa 26,4
Who else can I trust in so completely if not in he who loves me and knows me better than myself or anyone else and who has my past, present and future life in his hand and knows how to turn every event to my true benefit? You are an eternal rock, Father!
5.12 Fri 1st AT (Sabas)
Isa 29,17-24; Psalm 27; Matt 9,27-31
Have pity on us, son of David! Matt 9,27
The Father has always promised compassion: Jesus on the cross is the concrete image of the fulfilment of this promise. I, too, can take the only step necessary now; go to Jesus in faith like those two blind men did who called out: "Son of David, have pity on us!"
6.12 Sat 1st AT (Nicholas)
Isa 30,19-21,23-26; Psalm 147; Matt 9,35 - 10,1,6-8
When the Lord heals the wounds inflicted on his people! Isa 30,26
To be overjoyed by the arrival of the doctor and healing, it is necessary to be aware that we are sick; to be overjoyed in the coming of the Saviour and salvation, it is necessary that I feel the need for it. In this period of Advent I will try to discover what my wounds are, so that the Lord may heal them when he comes.
7.12 Sun 2nd AT (Ambrose)
Isa 40,1-5,9-11; Psalm 85; II Peter 3,8-14; Mark 1,1-8
I am sending my herald ahead of you! Mark 1,2
Meeting with the Lord is a very important event and should be well prepared for. During Advent we are awaiting the Lord; he will come and we will be able to know him better and love him better. We, therefore, welcome with joy and humility any "herald" sent to prepare us for his coming: his word, his disciples and the things that happen to us every day.
8.12 Mon 2nd AT (The Immaculate Conception of the B V Mary)
Gen 3,9-15,20; Psalm 98; Eph 1,3-6,11-12; Luke 1,26-38
I am the Lord's servant. Luke 1,38
Our Mother, today we contemplate you in all your purity: you are our pride, our trust, our refuge, our joy and our strength. How beautiful your words are, what love, what abandon, what peace they express! They are yours, but you put them in our hearts too: with your help, we can all receive them and experience them!
9.12 Tues 2nd AT (Leocadia)
Isa 40,1-11; Psalm 96; Matt 18,12-14
Raise your voice fearlessly! Isa 40,9
The wonders God the Father does for mankind are so amazing as to be incredible! In fact for a non Christian, a God who becomes man and experiments death, who sees every sinner as his son is an unbelievable reality. But the Lord says: "raise your voice, fearlessly"; announce the good news to men and women, that I love them!
10.12 Wed 2nd AT (Eulalia)
Isa 40,25-31; Psalm 103; Matt 11,28-30
Learn from me for I am gentle and humble-hearted! Matt 11,29
Jesus invites us to learn in humility from him not as a rule, but so that we may "find rest for our souls". An Orthodox saint from Mount Athos wrote that no proud person will find peace, but only he who has learnt humility from Christ will be able to abandon himself totally to God and then live in the peace that comes from him.
11.12 Thurs 2nd AT (Daniel the Stylite)
Isa 41,13-20; Psalm 145; Matt 11,11-15
The Lord is good to all! Psalm 145,9
It seems that at Christmas we all become a little better. Nothing could be more necessary or beautiful! Let us spend this advent in contemplation of God so that Christmas does not become just a fleeting moment of passing sentimentalism. God is truly good to everyone and in contemplating him, may we become more similar to him.
12.12 Fri 2nd AT ((Frances de Chantal)
Isa 48,17-19; Psalm 2; Matt 11,16-19
If only you had listened to my commands. Isa 48,18
How often I am sorry I did not listen to them! But I thank the Lord that he did not leave me in regret, but with his pardon he helped to get up again and healed the wounds of my fall.
13.12 Sat 2nd AT (Lucy)
Eccles 48,1-4,9-11; Psalm 80; Matt 17,10-13
Elijah has already come and they failed to recognise him. Matt 17,12
Today we remember St Lucy whose name means light. Let us ask her to pray for us so that we might have light to discern what the Lord wants to say to me: to understand in which direction he wishes to guide me; to be able to see when he "comes", is present and active in my day to day life.
14.12 Sun 3rd AT (John of the Cross)
Isa 61,1-2,10-11; Luke 1,46-50,53-54; I Thess5,16-24; John 1,6-8,19-28
Make straight the way for the Lord. John 1,23
Christmas is a great festivity with presents, family reunions, small signs of a divine event which fill us with joy: God the Father in Jesus, his beloved son visits us and saves us once again. The time of waiting is nearly over; let us live it profoundly, preparing ourselves in purity and in peace, in innocence and in compassion: the Lord God of peace and love will come to us.
15.12 Mon 3rd AT (Mary di Rosa)
Num 24,2-7,15-17; Psalm 25; Matt 21,23-27
By what authority are you acting like this? Matt 21,23
Jesus did not answer the chief priests and elders of the nation because they were intent only on defending their own authority and not on recognizing his. Jesus, I know that what you did, you did with the Father's authority so I wish to submit to you my thoughts and actions. Your authority carries the seal of your blood, the authority of one who has sacrificed his life for me!
16.12 Tues 3rd AT (Adelaide)
Zeph 3,1-2,9-13; Psalm 34; Matt 21,28-32
My son, go and work today in the vineyard! Matt 21,28
Father, today I wish to contemplate your face in Jesus, your beloved Son: you love me and accept my love. Every breath, every effort, every tear and every smile I offer you today: with these you will know who to make a "little bit" of your kingdom.
17.12 Wed 3rd AT (Begga)
Gen 49,2,8-10; Psalm 72; Matt 1,1-17
Listen to Israel, your father! Gen 49,2
Israel - the new name God gave to Jacob - blesses his children before passing on to his fathers. From the descendents of one of them, Judas, the Messiah, the Saviour, Jesus will be born. Heavenly Father, bless us, and from our obedient lives Jesus "will be born": someone who has never known him might meet him.
18.12 Thurs 3rd AT (Winebald)
Jer 23,5-8; Psalm 71; Matt 1,18-24
Do not be afraid to take Mary with you to be your wife. Matt 1,20
These are the words that the angel speaks to Joseph. They give light to a difficult situation in which Joseph wished to act correctly, that is according to God's will. Once the sign was given he was not afraid to take the way which, though dark, he knew was the right one, God's way. It is as if the angel says to us; "do not be afraid to trust in God"!
19.12 Fri 3rd AT (Urban V)
Judg 13,2-7,24-25; Psalm71; Luke 1,5-25
This is the Lord's doing. Luke 1,25
Elizabeth cannot keep to herself the joy and amazement for the great love that God showed her in giving her a son. With Christmas approaching, I, too, can admire with joy and amazement and gratitude the Father's love. I too, can say; "this is the Lord's doing"; he has given me his Son!
20.12 Sat 3rd AT (Dominic of Silos)
Isa 7,10-14; Psalm 23; Luke 1,26-38
God has been gracious to you. Luke 1,30
Mary, mother, full of love, you found grace with the Father: "you will conceive and give birth to a son and you are to give him the name Jesus". Pray now to the Father that each one of us may participate in your grace: that like you we may conceive, that is, receive Jesus, his word and may then give birth to him and give him to our companions and with your same love say his sweet name aloud: Jesus!
21.12 Sun 4th AT (Peter Canisius)
II Sam 7,1-5,8-12,14-16; Psalm 89; Rom 16,25-27; Luke 1,26-38
Greetings, most favoured one! Luke 1,28
Mary lived a simple life, but the Father who had chosen her and filled her with grace, watched her; an angel announced this great love. The Father loves you too; be joyful and trust in him!
22.12 Mon 4th AT (Jutta of Diessenberg)
I Sam 1,24-28; Psalm I Sam 2,1,4-8; Luke 1,46-55
He has looked on his servant with favour, lowly as she is. Luke 1,48
Those who are humble are also grateful for what they have received: like Anna who offered her son Samuel to the Lord who had given him to her. Those who are humble are also willing, like Mary, whose yes to the Father was complete so that the Father in his mercy, might help humanity by sending them the Saviour whom he had promised, Jesus!
23.12 Tues 4th AT (John of Kanty)
Mal 3,1-4.4,23-24; Psalm 25; Luke 1,57-66
What will this child become? Luke 1,66
Some mothers and fathers expecting their child or with one already in arms, or making his first steps with a joyful look, will read this passage in the Scriptures: it refers to John the Baptist, but is true for every child. What great spiritual care we must have for our little ones, treasures of the Church and loved by God, called to an unrepeatable, irreplaceable, great mission.
24.12 Wed Christmas Eve
II Sam 7,1-5,8-12,14,16; Psalm 89; Luke 1,67-79
He has turned to his people and set them free! Luke 1,68
Let us live this Holy Eve withdrawing into our hearts, close to Jesus with grateful love. He loved us, he came to us, he saved us, he is always with us; this is the only joy we wish to bring to our companions.
25.12 Thurs Christmas Day
(night) Isa 9,1-3,5-6; Psalm 96; Titus 2,11-14; Luke 2,1-14
(day) Isa 52,7-10; Psalm 98; Heb 1,1-6; John 1,1-18
Today has been born to you the Messiah. Luke 2,11
We adore you, Lord Jesus! Now you are with us, you the Son of God! Since you are with us there is nothing I need fear and nothing can upset me. With you I no longer fear anyone's opinion. Since you are with me, God himself will treat me as a child of his! I adore you, I love you, I will listen to you, my Lord Jesus!
26.12 Fri Boxing Day (Stephen)
Acts 6,8-10; 7,54-59; Psalm 30; Matt 10,17-22
Whoever endures to the end will be saved. Matt 10,22
The Lord Jesus fulfilled the act of our salvation. We believe in him, we receive this wonderful gift with gratitude: we abandon ourselves to his wisdom which gives us concrete ways to grow in his grace day by day. Thank you St Stephen; you were faithful to the Lord Jesus until the end, you loved him living and dying as he did, in love!
27.12 Sat John the Apostle and Evangelist
I John 1,1-4; Psalm 97, John 20,2-8
What we have seen and heard we declare to you also! I John 1,3
Thank you, St John for having carried out the task you received from Jesus! Help us as a true brother, intercede for us so that when we read your letters, the Holy Spirit might descend upon us and that we might see, hear and proclaim Jesus for the joy of many!
28.12 Sun The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Gen 15,1-6;21,1-3; Psalm 105; Heb 11,8,11-12,17-19; Luke 2,22-40
A light that will bring revelation to the Gentiles. Luke 2,32
Mary and Joseph with their trusting obedience to the Father, formed the Holy Family, the centre of which and the goal of which was Jesus, the light that will bring revelation to all people! In our families too, based on the obedience and priority given to the Father there is a place and glory for Jesus, for the life of the world.
29.12 Mon Vth day of the Octave
I John 2,3-11; Psalm 96; Luke 2,22-35
He who loves his fellow Christian dwells in light. I John 2,10
We Christians believe that God is Love, and everything can be verified through love! It is because God is Love that he became man, our brother!
30.12 Tues VIth day of the Octave
I John 2,12-17; Psalm 96; Luke 2,36-40
I write to you, because you have conquered the evil one! I John 2,13
St John is speaking to some young Christians; in the name of the Church we would also like to speak to the young people; we know, at least in part, the battle you have to sustain to remain faithful to the Lord Jesus: he knows everything, he loves you and will give you victory; keep his name always in your hearts!
31.12 Wed VIIth day of the Octave
I John 2,18-21; Psalm 96; John 1,1-18
The true light was even then coming into the world! John 1,9
Thank you Lord Jesus, for noticing me, the poorest of your creatures. When I met you the light shone into my darkness: I realized I was loved, I realized I was precious in your eyes and I began to live: Thank you for illuminating this year which I now give to you!
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