
February 2010

1/2/2010 Monday IVth OT St Brigid
II Sam 15,13-14,30; 16.5-13; Psalm 4 or 10; Mark 5,1-20

Out unclean spirit! come out of the man! Mark 5,8

Which unclean spirit must leave? The spirit of pride, of unbelief, of impurity, of envy, of gossip …… Lord Jesus, if I allow your creative word to wash me, Word of God, you will renew my life, you will make of me a spring of clean water which gives life wherever it goes.
Pronounce your Word over me, Jesus and I will be cleansed!

2/2/2010 Tuesday IVth OT Presentation of the Lord
Mal 3,1-4 (or Heb 2,14-18); Psalm 24; Luke 2,22-40

You too, will be pierced to the heart! Luke 2, 35

If we look at Mary, we can see that her faith in God and his Word costs her great pain. Even in joyful moments such as when thanking God for the life of Jesus, the shadow of suffering is not far from her.
Thank you, Mary, for your humble, faithful "yes".

3/2/2010 Wednesday IVth OT St Blaise
II Sam 24,2,9-17; Psalm 32; Mark 6,1-6

A prophet never lacks honour except in his home town! Mark 6,4

Jesus did not deny that he was a prophet to the people of Nazareth. But he realizes that they are not ready to accept him in this role or to accept the renewals that he proposes. He is surprised, however, some do open their hearts in order to be healed.

4/2/2010 Thursday IVth OT St Andrew Corsini
I Kings 2,1-4.10-12; I Chr 29,10-12; Mark 6,7-13

Be strong and show yourself a man! I Kings 2,2

For Solomon these words of his father David mean a total commitment of the heart to be faithful to the commandments of Moses' law and to walk in loyalty before God. If we obey the Ten Commandments and live in the spirit of the Beatitudes, the Father will look upon us with favour and will cause his Church to grow.

5/2/2010 Friday IVth OT St Agatha
Sir 47,2-13; Psalm18; Mark 6,14-29

You have no right to take your brother's wife! Mark 6,18

Many follow their feelings and so abandon their marriage vows. Christians who believe in Jesus, faithful witness of the Father, are guided by him, who was obedient unto death on the cross. In this way their faith becomes a love that goes above and beyond their partner's sin.

6/2/2010 Saturday IVth OT St Dorothy
I Kings 3,4-13; Psalm 119; Mark 6,30-34

Come with me … and rest a little! Mark 6,31

Jesus, the image of our heavenly Father, gives his disciples true rest and takes them aside with him. Sometimes we too are invited to withdraw for a few days with him to enjoy his presence and his word in silence; it is a gift to receive with gratitude; a gift for the faith and joy of many!

7/2/2010 Sunday Vth OT St Theodore
Isa 6,1-2.3-8; Psalm 138; I Cor 15,1-11; Luke 5,1-11

If you say so I will let down the nets! Luke 5,5

Just like Peter we can trust the Word and accept it; this is why we have been desired, created and loved! Like Peter we can see our existences transformed from depression at our failures, weariness and suffering to a life that is useful to the Kingdom of God, for the joy of many.

8/2/2010 Monday Vth OT St Jerome Emiliani - St Josephine Bakhita
I Kings 8,1-7.9-13; Psalm 132; Mark 6,53-56

All who touched him were healed! Mark 6,56

Just to touch Jesus' cloak brought healing and what if we accept him in our hearts? For St Bakhita this meant passing from the humiliating suffering of slavery to the gift of being a daughter of God, from the immobility of chains to the joys of running free in saintliness.

9/2/2010 Tuesday Vth OT St Apollonia
I Kings 5,22-23.27-30; Psalm 84; Mark 7,1-13

Hear the supplication of your servant! I Kings 8,30

For many years I have asked something of God that has not been entirely answered. I raise my hands to you again Oh Father, in the name of Jesus, your Son! I know you will answer me and intervene in due time because you have promised that whoever knocks at your heart with perseverance and humility you will open to! I will come to you with my brothers and sisters! Thank you, good Father!

10/2/2010 Wednesday Vth OT St Scholastica
I Kings 10,1-10; Psalm 37; Mark 7,14-23

Listen to me all of you and understand! Mark 7,14

The Lord Jesus knows that his word is of vital importance for men and women and so he encourages us all to listen carefully so as to understand what he says and to live his words. Let us miss no opportunities ; Holy Mass, gospel reading groups, catechism ….: we will find light, rest and peace in our lives!

11/2/2010 Thursday Vth OT Immaculate Mary of Lourdes
I Kings 11,4-13; Psalm 106; Mark 7,24-30

Even the dogs under the table eat the children's scraps! Mark 7,28

When Jesus sees in us humility and love for those who suffer, he is ready to answer our cries for help just as he did for the woman who speaks in today's gospel.
Mary, immaculate Mother, help us to be humble and to love!

12/2/2010 Friday Vth OT St Julian
I Kings 11,29-32; 12,19; Psalm 81; Mark 7,31-37

He took him aside …. Mark 7,33

Jesus doesn't love publicity, but wishes to meet each man personally and to accept him as the Son of God! More important than being healed is meeting him personally!

13/2/2010 Saturday Vth OT St Catherine dei Ricci
I Kings 12,26-32; 13,33-34; Psalm106; Mark 8,1-10

My heart goes out to these people! Mark 8,2

Jesus feels compassion for all those who try as those people were doing, to give more importance to listening to his Word than to other things. Hence he looks after them and feeds them with his bread, his peace and his consolation. Thank you, Jesus, bread of life: you give yourself to those who listen and follow you!

14/2/2010 Sunday VIth OT Sts Cyril and Methodius
Jer 17,5-8; Psalm 2; I Cor 15,12.16-20: Luke 6,17.20-26

Blessed are you who are in need; the kingdom of God is yours! Luke 6,20

The choice to live in need because of Jesus' word brings the gift of blessing: it gives the Father the chance to be able to intervene in our lives. Let us thank our patron saints Cirillo and Methodius today to whom European culture owes much in the way of communion, generosity to the poor and of peace.

15/2/2010 Monday VIth OT Sts Faustina and Giovita
James 1,1-11; Psalm 119; Mark 8.11-13

So shall the rich man fade away as he goes about his business! James 1,11

The rich man who desires fame amongst men will fade away like a flower without water. God, the source of all life is greater than his designs and gives to the poor, rejoicing in their humility. Thank you Jesus for helping us to cheerfully accept our humiliations and thus receive your peace!

16/2/2010 Tuesday VIth OT St Juliana
James 1,12-18; Psalm 94; Mark 8,14-21

Every good action and every perfect gift comes from above! James 1,17

James reassures and encourages Christians all over the world not to fear and to be joyful because of their faith. Even though bombarded with ideologies that offer different paths to God, we know that "every perfect gift", that is the Holy Spirit and all he does, comes from the Father alone. Thanks to him we can live in an intimate relationship with God and in solidarity with others and thus experiment God's true love. Elsewhere these gifts are not received!

17/2/2010 Ash Wednesday
Joel2,12-18; Psalm 51; II Cor 5,20-6,2; Matt 6,1-6.16-18

Pray to your Father who is in secret! Matt 6,6

At the beginning of this period of grace and conversion which is lent, Jesus gives us his Holy Spirit. He reveals that God is a Father and suggests that we do things to please him: dedicate time to listen to him, offer him our lives, open our hearts and hands to those who suffer, ask for his help!

18/2/2010 Thursday
Deut 30,15-20; Psalm 2; Luke 9,22-25

Whoever loses his life for my sake will save it! Luke 9,24

"No-one can serve two masters" said Jesus. When we "sacrifice ourselves" putting the Father's will first rather than something we would like, then salvation and God's life enters into us: he gives us an ample measure of good. The Father's generosity cannot be beaten!

19/2/2010 Friday St Conrad
Isa 58,1-9; Psalm 51; Matt 9,14-15

When you cry to him, he will say, here I am! Isa 58,9

The Lord promises to listen to our prayers, to help us with his presence, to give us courage and strength. All this if we try to have just, loving relationships with others. This is the penitence he appreciates.

20/2/2010 Saturday St Remo
Isa 58,9-14; Psalm 86; Luke 5,2-32

Guard me for I am faithful! Psalm 86,2

When we have troubles we can always find refuge in the Lord God. We can turn to him, source of all life and peace, offering our faithfulness: a daily obedience carried out with love.

21/2/2010 Sunday 1st Time of Lent
Deut 26,4-10; Psalm 91; Rom 10,8-13; Luke 4,1-13

You shall do homage to the Lord your God and worship him alone! Luke 4,8

We are tempted to fix our eyes and hearts on the things of the world placing our hopes and expectations of life in them. Jesus, our friend and saviour, tells us to put God alone in the first place. In so doing we will see that life and goodness irradiates from him abundantly for everyone.

22/2/2010 Monday St Peter's Chair
I Pt 5,1-4; Psalm 23; Matt 16,13-19

You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God! Matt 16,16

That Peter recognises that Jesus is the Son of God is not fruit of his intelligence, but God working in him. Jesus confirms and manifests more clearly this divine work by conferring permanently on Peter the "authority" of God! When the Church affirms, proposes and teaches through the Pope it is to be accepted as coming from God: criticism and denial can come from non believers but not from Christians.

23/2/2010 Tuesday 1st TL St Polycarp
Isa 55,10-11; Psalm 34; Matt 6,7-15

This is how you should pray: Our Father … Matt 6,9

We are sons and daughters, brothers and sisters! Jesus teaches us these words to begin the Prayer as a potent exhortation for humility and unity. Then he reminds us that children put the will of the Father in the first place and to trust him.

24/2/2010 Wednesday 1st TL St Sergio
Jonah 3,1-10; Psalm 51; Luke 11, 29-32

Let them abandon their wicked ways! Jonah 3,8

God who is love, is always sending his messengers to men who are corrupt and lost to convert them. If we are obedient we will once more find a dignified, serene life full of good works. Thank you, merciful Father!

25/2/2010 Thursday 1st TL St Cesario
Esther 4,1.3-5.12-14; Psalm 138; Matt 7,7-12

To those who knock, the door will be opened! Matt 7,8

Jesus exhorts us not to worry about tomorrow or to try and impress others like those without a Father. He encourages us, rather, to do his will and to search for his goods. If we ask with faith and perseverance for these goods, he will listen to us!

26/2/2010 Friday 1st TL St Claudiano
Ezek 18,21-28; Psalm 130; Matt 5,20-26

Leave your gift … and go and make peace with your brother! Matt 5,24

Jesus teaches us to try and be in harmony with everybody before coming before him to pray and celebrate his mercy. Thank you, Lord, our light and salvation!

27/2/2010 Saturday 1st TL St Gabriel Possenti
Deut 26,16-19; Psalm 119; Matt 5,43-48

…be children of your heavenly Father! Matt 5,45

That is, be like him! He makes the sun shine on the good and the bad alike; no-one is excluded from his love. We who have received the grace to call him Father have the joy of being like him, of receiving his life, which is love and therefore, the power to love everyone, even so called "enemies"!

28/2/2010 Sunday 2nd TL
Gen 15,5-12.17-18; Psalm 27; Phil 3,17-4,1; Luke 9,28-36

After the voice had spoken, Jesus was seen to be alone! Luke 9,36

Jesus after having been seen for a moment transfigured, remained alone with Peter, James and John; he was the Jesus they knew without the eternal splendour of glory. Other than him there is no master, no saviour. Only he can say "rise up, do not fear". Jesus you are the true God and eternal life, you accompany us every day we serve.


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